You are here: Administration > Manage Projects > Project Settings > Configure BTWebKit XML
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Configure BTWebkit XML

Revised May 24, 2010

Task Description

Complete the XML configuration for data that will be exported from the user's BuildTopia application to the user's FTP server.  











Navigation Path

Admin > Projects > Project Settings > Webkit XML


  1. Click on the Edit button beside “FTP Settings”. Use text fields to enter Destination information for the FTP file.
    1. FTP Host.  URL for the user's FTP site.
      • This must be a valid IP address of an FTP server.  Example:
      • BuildTopia's FTP service will not change directories.  If the XML feed should be uploaded into a directory other than the base (root) directory, the user account should be configured so that the desired directory is the base directory for that user.
        Example: If the XML feed should upload to the Files directory, the User account should be set to automatically start at the Files directory, rather than the root directory (which is typically the default).
    1. FTP Directory - Directory within the FTP site to copy the files to.  This field is optional.
    2. Messaging - Select the type of messaging to be sent for the XML transactions.
      • None - no messages to be sent to the company
      • Errors - Only send messages when there is an error in the XML feed process
      • All - Send a message with every transaction.
    1. Username.  Enter information if the destination FTP site requires a username.  
    2. Password.  Enter information if the destination FTP site requires a password.
    3. Confirm Password - Re-Enter password to validate the password that the FTP site requires.
    4. Email Address - Email address is used for the messaging.  
  2. Select one or more checkboxes to indicate which XML files sets to export.  Select Select All to checkmark all of the data sets.
    1. Prospect.  All of the prospect information for a specified project.  Note: Due to the size and nature of this file, it is by default a "one-time" upload.  Once uploaded, this checkbox will uncheck automatically within the system.  To upload this file again, the user will need to re-enter setup and re-check the checkbox.
    2. Project Units. All lots for a specified project.
    3. Plan Options.  All plans, with associated options and pricing, for a specified project.  Note: Due to the size and nature of this file, it is by default a "one-time" upload.  Once uploaded, this checkbox will uncheck automatically within the system.  To upload this file again, the user will need to re-enter setup and re-check the checkbox.
    4. Sold Homes (includes options, pricing, buyer, lot).  All sold homes for a specified project.
    5. SPEC Homes.  All SPEC/inventory homes that exist for a specified project.
  3. Select one or more checkboxes to select How Often to Export.  Note: BuildTopia generates files by the start of business (Eastern time zone) on the day(s) selected.  Therefore, to have files available by start of business on a Monday, select the checkbox for Monday.
    • These files will export on the selected day(s).
      • Lot Information
      • Sold Homes
      • SPEC/Inventory Homes
    • As noted in step 1 above, these files will export one time only on the next selected date.
      • Prospect Information
      • Project Unit Type and Options Definitions
  4. Select Submit and return to the Setup screen.  As appropriate, select Cancel and return to the Setup screen without saving original settings (for first time entry) or changes (for subsequent entries).


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