NSO Permissions

Revised October 24, 2008


NSO roles define the functionality that a user can perform within the NSO Module. Messaging functionality allows the user to control the messages sent to users within BuildTopia.

Below is a list of the different permissions available and a brief description of what each permission does.  




Create NSO

Create and/or submit new NSO request

Approve/Price NSO

Ability to Approve production accepted NSO.  Enables Retail Price to be added to the NSO

Sales Acceptance

Ability to Sales Accept a submitted NSO.

Buyer Acceptance

Ability to set the Buyer Accept approved of an NSO.

Request Termination

Ability to Request termination of a Buyer Accepted NSO.

Approve Termination

Ability to approve a buyer requested termination of an NSO.

Release To Purchasing

Ability to Release buyer accepted NSO to purchasing so that Purchase Orders can be Generated

Copy NSO

Ability to copy an NSO from one unit to another

Promote to Option

Ability to add an NSO to the data library as an option.

Edit NSO

Ability to edit the NSO data 

Assign/Edit Expiration Date

Assign and edit NSO expiration date.

Manage NSO

Access to Manage NSO module from the homepage dashboard

View NSO

NSO links are displayed for user

View NSO Cost

Displays production defined cost field on the NSO for the user.

View NSO Price

Displays retail price field on the NSO for the user.

View NSO Comments

Displays the Comments List on an NSO for the user.

View NSO Archive

Displays the  NSO_Archive to the user

Production Acceptance

Ability to Production Accept an sales accepted NSO.

Create Estimate

Ability to create an estimate for NSO.

Accept Estimate

Ability to accept estimate for NSO.

Complete Estimate

Ability to mark an estimate for NSO complete.

Send to TP

Ability to send estimate for NSO to Trade Partner.

Re-open an Estimate

Ability to Reopen a closed estimate for NSO.

Assign/Edit Option Category

Ability to Assign and edit Option Category on NSO.

Assign/Edit Lockout Dates

Ability to Assign and edit NSO lockout date.

View Estimate

Ability View Estimate data.

Edit Estimate

Ability to Edit Estimate data including Cost Code and Trade Partner data.

Copy Estimate

Copy NSO an estimate data to a different NSO


NSO Submitted

Receive messaging when an NSO is submitted

NSO Rejected Sales

Receive messaging when an NSO is rejected by Sales

NSO Accepted Sales

Receive messaging when an NSO is Accepted by Sales

NSO Rejected Production

Receive messaging when an NSO is Rejected by Production

NSO Accepted Production

Receive messaging when an NSO is Accepted by Production

Estimate Sent to TP

Receive messaging when an estimate is sent to a Trade partner

Estimate Sent by TP

Receive messaging when an estimate is returned by a Trade partner

TP Estimate Rejected

Receive messaging when a Trade partner rejected to cost an estimate

TP Estimate Accepted

Receive messaging when a Trade partner accepts to cost an estimate

Estimate Completed

Receive messaging when an estimate is completed for an NSO

Estimate Reopened

Receive messaging when an estimate is reopened

NSO Priced

Receive messaging when an NSO is Priced

NSO Rejected Buyer

Receive messaging when an NSO is rejected by Buyer

NSO Accepted Buyer

Receive messaging when an NSO is accepted by Buyer

NSO Released To Purchasing

Receive messaging when an NSO is release to Purchasing so Purchase Orders can be generated

NSO Termination Requested

Receive messaging when a buyer requests to terminate an NSO

NSO Termination Rejected

Receive messaging when a buyer's requests to terminate an NSO is rejected

NSO Termination Accepted

Receive messaging when a buyer's requests to terminate an NSO is accepted

NSO Comment Added

Receive messaging associated with adding a comment to an NSO

NSO Expired

Receive messaging when an NSO is expired

Estimate PO Generated

Receive messaging when NSO to PO function generates a Purchase Order