Best Practices - Option Management

Revised October 24, 2008

The following Best Practice was provided by the Professional Service team at BuildTopia. To share your best practices visit our user forum @

This best practice includes the following subjects;

If you are creating your first options list or getting ready to add several options - you might want to use the options upload template to start capturing your options. Click here to download the template.

What should I include in my master options list?

Base House versus Option?

Base House.  Anything that is included with the home and does not (1) reflect a change in price nor (2) requires a decision on color, location, quantity, and level/upgrade should be included in the base house.

Option.   Anything that is (1) NOT included in the base house, (2) reflects a change in price, or (3) requires a decision on color, location, quantity, and level/upgrade should be included in your options list.

Many customers question which “standard features” should be included in the base house and which should be considered an option in BuildTopia.  One universal example is structural elevations.  The key to deciding if the item is an option is to ask yourself this question: Does this require a decision – any decision, even if it is a decision only re: color or wood type – by the buyer?  If so, it should be an option.

Administrative Fees

The user charges administrative fees (e.g., change order fee) to customers that they want to reflect on the sales contract.   As a best practice, these “fees” can be set up as options – within a single option category and with either a fixed or overridable price.


Any monies charged to the customer will reflect on change orders or the sales contract for easy tracking.

Additional Considerations

BTBuilder - What cost code will you associate to this option? If there is not a cost associated, you can create an internal trade and an internal activity code that will serve as a placeholder.

How can I handle allowances?

Vendor Allowances versus Builder-Managed Options?

The user establishes a pre-set monetary limit (i.e., allowance) that the buyer uses to make option selections directly with a vendor.


Additional Considerations

Packages versus Individual Options?

Packages.  Grouping of options into packages that are priced and sold together.


Additional Considerations

Individual Options. “A la carte” options sold separately or individually.


Additional Considerations

Should I utilize the standard option functionality in BT?

Making an option 'Standard' in BuildTopia does two things;

  1. Adds the option with a quantity of one (1) automatically upon selection of the plan that the option is associated.
  2. A standard option is included on the plan Proforma Budget reports – allowing the user to see the Proforma Budget vs. the Primary Contract for Standard Options so that there is a clear ‘picture’ of the base house.


Additional Considerations

Not utilizing Standard Functionality

Margin Calculator

  Utilizing Standard Functionality

Margin Calculator





Base House


    Base House $100,000  

Base Cabinets


    Base Cabinets n/a  





Cabinets Lvl 1 (standard)

$ 0

$ 0


Cabinets Lvl 1 (standard)

$5,000 $10,000
Cabinets Lvl 2       Cabinets Lvl 2 $7,000 $14,000
*Creates two purchase orders; one for the base cabinets and one for the upgrade   *Creates only one purchase order, the one for the option selected.


Option Numbering

Using some sequencing strategy for option codes is advantageous to the user.


Identifies the option by its category and its room location.


Additional Considerations


A user that offers four options for kitchen sinks and three options for kitchen faucets may be coded as follows.

Kitchen sinks: 104-117-001, 104-117-002, 104-117-003, 104-117-004

Kitchen faucets: 104-217-001, 104-217-002, 104-217-003

First Section XXX-xxx-xxx


  1. Do you want the options to list in alpha-numeric sequence or numeric sequence?
  2. Decide upon your option categories prior to deciding on your option numbering methodology.

Second Section xxx-0XX-xxx

DECISION POINT: Come up with list of all possible rooms. Example

DECISION POINT: Do you want the rooms sorted alphabetically or by room number?

Third Section xxx-xxx-XXX

DECISION POINT: Is '00' the standard or is '01' the standard? Subsequent option levels would be 02,03...


REMEMBER: The user may include as many sections – and as many digits within a section – as desired. There is no one way to do this.  Ordering the rooms in a logical “walk-through” order allows sales reps to take the prospect/buyer on a visual tour of the house.  It also keeps options well-ordered for the Production, Construction, and Sub/Vendor teams via the Lot Details Reports.



Identifies the option by category.


Additional Considerations


The option number uses sections of digits or letters, such as AAA-000.