You are here: Data Library > Options > Promote NSO to Option

Promote NSO to Option

Revised October 24, 2008


For Non-Standard options (NSOs) that are requested multiple times, the company can promote the NSO to become a standard option.  This process will using the selected NSO to create a standard option in the data library.  The option will then need to be associated to the plans that it is available on.





Promote NSO to Option




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Navigation Path

Data Library > Option Management > Promote NSO to Option



  1. Select the Promote NSO to Option link.
  2. Search for the NSO
  3. Click the Promote line for the specific NSO
  4. Use text fields and the pull-down menu to enter:
    • Number -  The number is alpha-numeric text that “codes” the option code.    
    • Name -  The name of the option code.
    • Description - The description of the Option.
    • Option Category - Select the Option Category to associate the option.
    • Status (pull-down) - Defaults to Available.
    • Pricing - Select whether the option retail price is fixed or overridable.
  5. As desired, use the text fields to enter optional information.
    • URL - The web site or image of the option.
    • Internal Notes - Optional option information.
  6. Select Add Activity(s) button to assign an existing activity to the option code.
      1. Select one or more checkboxes for the Activities to be added.
      2. Select the Add Activity(s) button to add the selected activity(s).
  7. Select Add Activity Package(s) button to assign an existing activity package to the option code.
      1. Select one or more checkboxes for the Activity Package to be added.
      2. Select the Add Package button to add the selected activity package(s).
  8. Select Save to save the option code and return to the Option Codes List screen.