You are here: Data Library > Plans


Revised October 24, 2008


Plan Management allows the user to manage the plans used in their projects. A single plan can be used for multiple projects. When changes are made to the plan, they will automatically flow to the associated projects with the exception of option status.

Plans will be maintained in the data library only. Making changes (add and remove) to the activities and options on a plan will be done in the data library. Option status can be made available, lot dependent, pricing, standard or unavailable and the option may be made price-overrideable. These settings are set in the data library, but can be overridden at the project level and if the plan is used in multiple projects, it can have different overrides in the different projects.


The functions on this screen are:






Add Plan




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Navigation Path

Data Library > Plans


  1. Select the Add Plan Template link.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Plan # and required Plan Name.
  3. As desired, use the text field to enter the Plan Description, Square Footage, # of Bed Rooms # of Bath rooms, default Retail Price, and the default schedule template.
    Note: Default Retail Price can be used to populate a price when you associate with a new project. When you associate this plan to a new project the default price will be populated as the sales price. We recommend
  4. Click the Save Button.


Edit Plan



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Navigation Path

Data Library >Plans > Edit


  1. Select the Edit link from the Actions column.
  2. All of the fields are editable.  When any change is made, it will update this plan across the application.
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes.

Note: The user can set the default schedule for each plan in two areas;

  1. DL > Plans > Edit  - The default schedule set in the DL will only be used to set the default schedule for the next project the plan is used in.
  2. Admin > View > Manage Plans > Edit - The default schedule set here can override the schedule set at the DL.

Manage Plan Activities



















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Navigation Path

Data Library > Plans > Activities

Note: Deleting an activity from an option will remove the activity code from the option on all plans, bids, and contracts in which the option activity appears

Steps To Add Plan Activities

  1. Select the Add Activity Code link.
  2. Select the Activity(ies) to be added to the plan by entering the qty for unit-of-measure activities, or check the box for turnkey activities.
  3. Select the Add Selected Activities button to add the activity(ies) to just this plan or select the Add Selected & Add To Additional Plans to add the activity(ies) to additional plans.

Steps To Delete Plan Activities

  1. Select the checkbox(es) next to the appropriate activity.
  2. Select the Delete Selected to delete the activity(ies) from just this plan or select the  Delete Selected & Delete From Additional Plans to delete the activity(ies) from additional plans.

Steps To Edit Plan Activities

  1. Select the Edit link for the activity.
  2. Use the text field to modify the Template Budget and Scope of Work.  
  3. Select Update Options
    1. Update Contracts, Flag Changes - Automatically updates contracts and flags the activity that changed
    2. Update Contracts, Don't Flag Changes - Automatically updates contracts and does not flag the changed activity
    3. Only Flag Changes - Flags the changed activity only
  4. Select the Save button to update the activity or Save & Update Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
    1. Select the plans to update
    2. Select the Update Selected Plans button.

Steps To Archive a Plan Activity

  1. Select the Edit link.
  2. Select the Status equal to "Inactive"
  3. Select the Save button to update the activity or Save & Update Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
    1. Select the plans to update
    2. Select the Update Selected Plans button.

Steps To Add Activity Package

  1. Select the Add Activity Package link.
  2. Select the Activity package(s) to be added to the plan.  
  3. Select the Add Selected button to add the activity(ies) or Add Selected & Add to Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
    1. Select the plans to update
    2. Select the Add to Selected Plans button.

Steps To Edit Plan Activity Package

  1. Select the Edit link for the activity.
  2. Use the text field to modify the Template Budget and Scope of Work.  
  3. Select the Save button to update the activity package or Save & Update Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
    1. Select the plans to update
    2. Select the Update Selected Plans button.

Steps To Archive a Plan Activity Package

  1. Select the Edit link for the activity.
  2. Select the Status equal to "Inactive"
  3. Select the Save button to update the activity or Save & Update Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
    1. Select the plans to update
    2. Select the Update Selected Plans button.


Manage Plan Options














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Navigation Path

Data Library >Plans > Options

Steps To Add Options

  1. Select the Add Option Code link.
  2. Select the option(s) to be added to the plan. Select how you want Bidding and Contracting to be notified of the change;
    • Update Contracts, Flag Changes - This will update all contracts that have this option code or activity code and will flag the contract that there are changes to the activity code(s) and/or option code(s) associated to the contract
    • Update Contracts, Don't Flag Changes - This will update all contracts that have this option code or activity code and will not flag the contract that there are changes to the activity code(s) and/or option code(s) associated to the contract.
    • Only Flag Changes - This will flag the contract that there are changes to be applied to the activity code(s) and/or option code(s) associated to the contract.
  3. Select the Add Selected button to add the option(s) or Add Selected & Add to Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
    1. Select the plans to update
    2. Select the Add to Selected Plans button.

Steps To Edit Plan Option(s)

  1. Select the Edit link for the option.
  2. Select the radio button to make the Pricing, which is the option retail price fixed or overrideable.
  3. Use the text box to add or edit the Option Description.
  4. Select the drop-down box to change the Option Status
    1. Available - The option is an available selection on the plan
    2. Lot Dependent - The availability of the option on the plan is dependent on the lot selected.
    3. Pricing - Available to cost the option, but not available for sale
    4. Standard - The option is a standard selection on the plan
    5. Unavailable - The option is not available on the plan.
  5. Use the text box to add or edit the Internal Notes.
  6. Modify the Activity(ies) attached to the option.
    1. Select the Edit Activities link at the top of the screen.
    2. Use the text box to enter the new quantity for unit of measure activities.
    3. Select Update Options
    4. Use the text box to enter or edit the Scope of Work.
    5. Use the radio button to make the activity Status inactive.
    6. Enter template budget amounts as applicable.
    7. Select the Save button to update the activity(ies) or Save & Update Additional Plans button to save and select other plans to update.
      1. Select the plans to update
      2. Select the Update Selected Plans button.
  7. Select the Save button to update the option or Save & Continue button to save and select other plans to update with the new Option Status.

NOTE: Changes to Name, Description, Internal Notes, and/or Pricing AUTOMATICALLY updates this option in all associated plan(s). Option status does not automatically flow from changes made at the Data Library Plan Option tab, however you can flow down to the project with the Update Additional Plans button.

  1. Select the plan(s) to update with the current plan option status. Select one of the following to continue;
    • Select the Update Selected button to update the option status on this plan and not update the status anywhere else.
    • Select Exit to discard changes and exit this screen.
    • Select the plan(s) to update with the current plan option status. The plans displayed are plans at the data library. Select Update Selected & Continue or Skip to update option status at the project level.
      1. Select the plans to update at the project level with the current plan option status. The plans displayed are plans within projects.
      2. Select the Update Selected button to update the option status on this plan and remain  on this screen.
      3. Select Update Selected & Exit to update option status at the project level and continue to the Option List Screen.
      4. Select Exit to discard changes and exit this screen.

Manage Projects












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Navigation Path

Data Library >Plans > Projects

Steps To Associate a Plan to a Project

  1. Select the Associate Project link.
  2. Select the Project(s) to add the plan too.
  3. Select the Associate Selected Projects button to associate the plan to the project(s).

Steps To Archive Plan from Project

  1. Select the Edit link for the project.
  2. Select the Status equal to "Archived"
  3. Select the Save button to update the plan.

Steps To Remove Plan from Project

  1. Select the Remove link for the project.

NOTE:  If the plan is associated to one or more lots, it can not be removed from the project.  Either remove the plan from all lots or change the Plan Project status to  "Archived".


Associate Plans to Lots

  1. Select the Lots link
  2. Select the Associate Lots link.
  3. Select the lot(s) to add the plan too.
  4. Select the Associate Selected Lots button to associate the plan to the lot(s).

Archive a Plan from Lot

  1. Select the Lots link
  2. Select the Edit link.
  3. Select the Status equal to "Archived"
  4. Select the Save button to update the plan.

Remove a Plan from Lot

  1. Select the Lots link
  2. Select the Remove link.

NOTE: If there are any workups on the lot that include the plan, the plan can not be removed from the lot.  The Plan Lot status can only be made "Archived".

Copy Plan

Navigation Path

Data Library >Plans > Copy


  1. Select the Copy link from the Actions column.
  2. System will prompt you to click OK to continue copying a plan.
  3. A copied plan will appear below the original plan.


Delete Plan




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Navigation Path

Data Library >Plans > Delete


  1. Select the Delete link from the Actions column.
  2. System will prompt you to click OK to continue deleting a plan.

Note: If the plan is associated with any projects, the plan cannot be deleted. The plan should be 'Archived' instead.