You are here: Custom Option Management (NSO) > Are we able?

Are we able?

Revised October 24, 2008


This question is typically answered by the team in the field that knows the construction status of the house or unit being built to notify the office if it is possible to accept the NSO for further approval.



Primary Task

Production Decision





Production Decision








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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Pending > Manage

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage



  1. Select the Production Decision link.
  2. Use the text field to enter Comments regarding the NSO request.
  3. To continue select one of the following:
    • To accept the NSO for Production, select the Production Accept button.
    • To reject the NSO for Production, select the Production Reject button.
    • To discard the entry in the comments, delay the NSO acceptance decision, and return to the NSO screen, select the Cancel button.