You are here: Custom Option Management (NSO) > Are we willing?

Are we willing?

Revised October 24, 2008


NSOs can be created from scratch or based on existing (previously created) NSOs through the Copy function.  When copying NSOs, the user has the option to copy the Estimate information as well as the NSO information.


Primary Task

Create NSO

Copy NSO

Submit NSO - described as part of creating or copying and NSO

Edit NSO

Resubmit NSO

Sales Decision





Create NSO








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Navigation Path

NSO > Lot Matrix > NSO


Used to create a new NSO from scratch.


  1. Select the Create an NSO link.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Requested Description of the NSO.
  3. To continue select one of the following:
    • To save the NSO information without submitting the NSO for acceptance, select the Save button.
    • To save the NSO information and submit for acceptance, select the Save & Submit button.  
    • To discard the entry and return to the NSO Details screen, select the Cancel button.

Copy NSO
















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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Any subtab >  Manage

NSO > Lot Matrix > NSO > Copy an NSO



  1. From the Lot Matrix tab, navigate to the lot for which the NSO is to be created.  Select the NSO link to view the NSO details for the lot.  The number in parentheses to the right of the NSO link indicates the number of NSO records that currently exist for the lot.  The ! alert indicates than an action needs to be taken for an NSO for this lot.
  2. Select the Copy an NSO link.
  3. Select the Project, Lot and Prospect containing the NSO to be copied.
  4. Select the radio button to Copy Pricing, Yes or No
  5. Select the appropriate radio button indicating what estimate copy action should be taken when the NSO is copied:
    • Do Not Copy - the estimate will not be copied
    • Copy with Trade Partner Information - the estimate including the trade partner(s) to whom the NSO was assigned will be copied
    • Copy without Trade Partner Information - the estimate will be copied, but will not include the trade partner assignment and quotes
  6. Select the radio button for the NSO to be copied.  If no NSOs are listed in the NSO Information section, there are no NSOs associated with the project / lot / prospect selected.
  7. To continue select one of the following:
    • Select the Copy button to copy the NSO without submitting the new NSO for acceptance.
    • Select the Copy & Submit button to copy the NSO and submit for acceptance.
    • To stop the copying and return to the NSO Details screen, select the Cancel button.

Edit NSO

































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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Any subtab > Manage

NSO > Lot Matrix > NSO >


  • The Edit functionality is disabled once termination has been approved.
  • An NSO can be edited any time after the initial creation.
  • The following NSO permissions must be assigned:
    • Edit NSO
    • Assign / Edit Option Category
    • Assign / Edit Lockout Date


  1. Use the text fields to enter / edit the following required fields:
    1. Requested Description - The requested description reflects the NSO as the buyer requested, usually in lay terms, and must be completed to create a new NSO.  Thus, it is the only field that is editable while the NSO has a status of New.
    2. Quoted Description - The quoted description must be completed before the NSO can be priced and reflects the user's description of the NSO used when communicating with trade partners for estimating and quoting.  This field is editable once the NSO has been submitted.  The quoted description must be completed before the NSO can be priced.
  2. Use the pull-down menus or text fields to enter / edit the following optional fields:
    1. Option Category - This pull-down menu is populated with Option Categories from Data Library > Options > Categories. The user will elect to use this field when they want the NSO to be tied to the defined option lockout.  This field is editable once the NSO has been submitted for approval. Selecting an option category is also useful for NSOs within a defined category will be grouped together on certain print forms and reports.

      NOTE: The defined option lockout may vary according to the construction schedule applied to the lot.
    2. Lockout Override - The lockout override date can be used in conjunction with the option category, or in place of it.  The user will elect to use this field to set an alternate option lockout date for this NSO.  This field is editable once the NSO has been submitted for approval.

      NOTE: The Lockout Override date trumps any associated option category lockout.
    3. Expiration Date - The expiration date is the last date that the NSO can be accepted by the buyer and is editable once the NSO has been submitted for approval.  The ability to edit expiration date is a separate permission.
    4. Retail Price - The retail price is the price that the buyer will be charged for the NSO, and is editable once the NSO has been submitted for approval.
    5. Production Cost - The production cost is the amount that it will cost to build to the NSO, and is editable once the NSO has been submitted for approval.  

      NOTE: This field is separate from the total amount of the estimate and equates to the Suggested Retail field in the previous NSO functionality. Typically this field is NOT utilized if you are using the NSO estimates within BuildTopia.
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button to discard the changes.  Both actions will display the View NSO screen.


Resubmit NSO


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From any step within the NSO process if an NSO is rejected the original requester can resubmit the NSO by editing the NSO and resubmitting with the requested information.

See Edit NSO


Sales Decision














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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Pending > Manage

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage



Only users assigned to roles with Sales Acceptance and/or Production Acceptance permissions have access to this action.


  1. Select the Sales Decision link.
  2. Use the text field to enter Comments regarding the NSO request.  
  3. To discard the entry in the comments, delay the NSO acceptance decision, and return to the NSO screen, select the Cancel button.
  4. Accept or reject the NSO request as appropriate, taking one of the following actions:
    • To accept the NSO for Sales only, select the Sales Accept button.
    • To reject the NSO for Sales, select the Sales Reject button.
    • To  accept the NSO for Sales and Production, select the Sales & Production Accept button.  

      NOTE: The availability of this action is dependent upon permissions and workflow settings.