Manage Trade Partners

Revised December 8, 2008

Task Description

Manage trade partners to associate existing trade partners or create new trade partners.  A trade partner is a vendor, subcontractor, surveyor or engineer that provides the materials, services and labor needed to build a house. The trade partner and the user collaborate within the BuildTopia system throughout the bidding, construction, and warranty service processes.  The BuildTopia application allows the user and trade partner to communicate regarding bid invitations and packages; project-level contracts; lot construction schedules; lot details, including selected options and approved non-standard options; purchase orders and invoices; and warranty service orders.


Note: All of the above is subject to the Trade Partner Document Roles and permissions the user company gives to the trade partner.





Add Trade Partners


















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Navigation Path

Directory > Trade Partners


Use this to add trade partners individually - those that are not already existing accounts within BuildTopia.  To upload a list of trade partners, see the Upload Trade Partners subtask.

To add an Online Trade Partner:

  1. Select the Search the BTTradeNetwork link.
  2. Select the trade partner to be added from the list of trade partners in the BT Trade Network.  
    1. To limit the list, enter all or part of the trade partners name in the Search text field, then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The list will be limited to all trade partners matching the text entered.
    2. To return to the full list of trade partners, select the Clear button or select the Back link.
  3. From the Actions column, select the Import link to import the trade partner into the list of Active trade partners and return to the Trade Partners screen.

To add an off-line Trade Partner:

  1. Select the Add an Offline Trade Partner link.
  2. As appropriate, complete the Trade Partner Accounting Information:
    1. Use the text field to enter the Vendor Accounting Code,
    2. Use the radio button to indicate if the trade partner is a 1099 Vendor.
    3. Use the pull-down menu to select the Payment Terms for the trade partner.
    4. Use the Insurance Expiration Payment Control pull-down menu to indicate the action to be taken when the trade partner's insurance policy reaches it's expiration date.
      • Select None to take no action.
      • Select Warn to display the yield sign on the Trade Partner screen in the IEPC column for the trade partner.
      • Select Block to display the stop sign on the Trade Partner screen in the IEPC column for the trade partner.
  3. Complete all required Trade Partner information:
    1. Use the text field to enter the Company Name,
    2. Use the text field to enter the Address,
    3. Use the pull-down menu to select the Country,
    4. Use the pull-down menu to select the State,
    5. Use the text field to enter the City,
    6. Use the text field to enter the Zip or postal code,
    7. Use the text field to enter the main Phone number,
  4. As appropriate, complete all remaining Trade Partner information:
    1. Use the text field to enter the main Phone extension,
    2. Use the text field to enter the main Fax number and extension,
    3. Use the text field to enter the main Email address.
  5. Complete all required Primary Contact information:
    1. Use the text field to enter the Company Position,
    2. Use the text field to enter the First Name,
    3. Use the text field to enter the Last Name,
    4. Use the text field to enter the Phone Number.
  6. As appropriate, complete all remaining Primary Contact information:
    1. Use the text field to enter the Prefix,
    2. Use the text field to enter the Suffix,
    3. Use the text field to enter the Phone Number extension,
    4. Use the text field to enter the Fax Number and extension,
    5. Use the text field to enter the Mobile Number,
    6. Use the text field to enter the Direct Connect,
    7. Use the text field to enter the Email address,
    8. Use the pull-down menu to select the Contact Preference.
  7. Select the Save button to add the trade partner and return to the Trade Partners screen.  As necessary, select the Cancel button to return to the Trade Partners screen without adding the trade partner.
  8. Prior to adding the new trade partner, BuildTopia compares the trade partner information with the trade partner network to determine if the trade partner already exists within the network.  If a similar trade partner is found, the Add Trade Partner Information screen will be presented rather than the Trade Partners screen.
    • If online (active) trade partner(s) matching the trade partner entered is (are) found, the online trade partner information will be displayed in the BTTradeNetwork section.
      • To add the online trade partner instead of the new company, select the Import button.
    • If off-line (inactive) trade partner(s) matching the trade partner enter is (are) found, the off-line trade partner information will be displayed in the Inactive Trade Partners section under Previously Added Company.
      • To add the previously added company instead of the new company, select the Use This Trade Partner button.
    • The manually entered trade partner information will display in the Inactive Trade Partners section under New Company.
      • To add the new company, select the Add The New Trade Partner button.
    • To cancel the entry of the new company and not add a trade partner at this time, select the Cancel button.
    • Once an action button has been selected, the Trade Partners screen will be presented.

Upload Trade Partners


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Navigation Path

Admin > Company Setup > Data Upload Wizard


Use the Data Upload Wizard to upload a list of trade partners - those that are not already existing accounts within BuildTopia.  To add trade partners individually, see the Add Trade Partners subtask.

Manage Trade Partners























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Navigation Path

Directory > Trade Partners

To Edit Trade Partner Information

Company Information:

  1. Select the View link for the trade partner to be edited.
  2. Select the Edit link.
  3. Make edits by following steps 3 - 5 for the Add Trade Partners subtask.
  4. Select the Save button to save the trade partner changes and return to the Trade Partner Information screen.  As necessary, select the Cancel button to return to the Trade Partner Information screen without modifying the trade partner.

Primary Contact:

  1. Select the View link for the trade partner to be edited.
  2. From any tab, select the Edit Primary Contact link.
  3. Make edits by following steps 6 - 7 for the Add Trade Partners subtask.
  4. Select the Save button to save the trade partner changes and return to the Trade Partners Information screen.  As necessary, select the Cancel button to return to the Trade Partners Information screen without modifying the primary contacts.

Remittance Info:

  1. Select the View link for the trade partner to be edited.
  2. From any tab, select the Edit Remittance Info link.
  3. Complete the remittance information through one of the following two methods:
    1. Manually enter the information:
      1. Complete the required fields:
        1. Use the text field to enter / edit the Company Name,
        2. Use the text field to enter the company Address,
        3. Use the pull-down menu to select the Country,
        4. Use the pull-down menu to select the State,
        5. Use the text field to enter / edit the City,
        6. Use the text field to enter / edit the Zip or postal code,
        7. Use the text field to enter the Contact name,
        8. Use the text field to enter the Phone.
      2. As appropriate, complete the remaining fields:
        1. Use the text field to enter / edit the ContactPrefix,
        2. Use the text field to enter / edit the Contact Suffix,
        3. Use the text field to enter / edit the Fax.
    2. Select the Copy Company Information button to complete the fields with the company information.
  4. Select the Save button to save the trade partner changes and return to the Trade Partners Information screen.  As necessary, select the Cancel button to return to the Trade Partners Information screen without modifying the remittance info.

To Archive a Trade Partner

Use this to remove a trade partner from the Active trade partners list.  The trade partner will not be deleted, but will be unavailable for use when creating new contracts.

  1. Select the Archive link from the Actions column for the trade partner to be archived.

To Re-Activate an Archived Trade Partner

  1. Select the Restore link from the Actions column for the trade partner to be restored to active status.

To Delete a Trade Partner

  1. Select the Delete link from the Actions column for the trade partner to be deleted.
  2. At the prompt, "Are you sure you want to delete this trade partner from your contact list?", select the OK button to delete the trade partner or, as appropriate, select the Cancel button to leave the trade partner in the list.

To Merge a Trade Partner

Use these steps to merge your existing off-line trade partner record with an online trade partner record.

  1. Select Search theBTTrade Network link.
  2. Select the online trade partner to be merged from the list of trade partners in the BTTrade Network.  
    1. To limit the list, enter all or part of the trade partners name in the Search text field, then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The list will be limited to all trade partners matching the text entered.
    2. To return to the full list of trade partners, select the Clear button or select the Trade Partner List link.
  3. Select the Import link from the Actions column for the online trade partner to be merged.
  4. Select the Merge Trade Partner button.

Note: If you are a BTAccounting customer - you will be required to indicate the Account Code.

  1. Select the off-line trade partner to be merged from the list of trade partners in the BT Trade Network.  
    1. To limit the list, enter all or part of the trade partners name in the Search text field, then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The list will be limited to all trade partners matching the text entered.
    2. To return to the full list of trade partners, select the Clear button or select the Trade Partner List link.
  2. Select the Merge link.
  3. At the following prompt, select the Ok button to continue the merge or the Cancel button to cancel the merge:  "You are about to merge this trade partner record into the selected trade partner.  This will move all bids, contracts, WO / POs, and Service Orders that you have associated with this trade partner to the selected trade partner record.  Please verify that you are merging the two intended trade partners.  To continue with the merge, select OK, otherwise select cancel to return to the workspace."
  4. Once the merge is completed or cancel, the Trade Partners screen is displayed.