You are here: Data Library > Activities > Manage Cost Codes
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Manage Cost Codes

Revised October 24, 2008


A Cost Code is the roll-up of the cost for all activities associated to the cost code.  It is used for job cost reporting and to directly map to the user's accounting system.


The following flowchart demonstrates the tasks and decision points for Cost Codes.






Add Cost Codes











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Navigation Path

Data Library > Activities > Cost Codes


  1. Select the Add Cost Code link.
  2. Complete all required information.   As desired, include any additional, non-required information.
    1. Use text fields and the pull-down menu to enter:
      • Number.  The number is alpha-numeric text that “codes” the cost code.  The cost code number should mimic the cost code used by the user's accounting system for hard/direct costs.

        Note: The cost code is limited to 50 characters.  
      • Name.  A name of the cost code.
      • Status (pull-down).  Defaults to Active.
    2. As desired, use the text fields to enter optional information.
      • Accounting Code 1
      • Accounting Code 2

        0NOTE:  The purpose of these fields are to be used with the accounting integration..
  3. Select Save to save the cost code and return to the Cost Codes List screen.

Edit Cost Codes


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Navigation Path

Data Library > Activities > Cost Codes


  1. Select the Edit link for the specific cost code to be modified.
  2. Follow steps 2 through 3 above in the Add Cost Codes sub-task.
  3. Select Save to save the cost code and return to the Cost Codes List screen.

Archive Cost Code


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Navigation Path

Data Library > Activities > Cost Codes


  1. Select the Edit link for the specific cost code to be modified.
  2. Select Inactive in the Status field.
  3. Select Save to save the cost code and return to the Cost Codes List screen.

Delete Cost Code


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Navigation Path

Data Library > Activities > Cost Codes


Only cost codes that are not associated to any activities can be delete.


  1. Select the Delete link for the specific cost code to be deleted.


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