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Activities Management

Revised June 4, 2008


Activities represent the elements that need to be purchased to build a plan, option or NSO (i.e. labor, materials, turnkey items).  These are the base building blocks of the system. Activities are grouped by trade.



BuildTopia refers to two types of activities: Turnkey and Unit of measure:

  1. Turnkey activities are lump sums where the costs are based on a scope of work for a specific plan in a project.
  2. Unit-of-Measure (UM) activities include a unit-of-measure (e.g. board feet, cubic feet, inch, man hour, piece) and quantities for the unit-of-measure on plans and options.  Costs can be managed at a company or project level.  Users can choose to make a unit-of-measure activity a Measurement Activity.  Measurement Activity (e.g. gravel, sod) budgets are established for purchasing, but the actual PO amount is ultimately based on what is actually received.  When POs with measurement activities are approved, the user will be prompted to enter the actual received amount.


The following Best Practices were provided by the Professional Service team at BuildTopia. To share your best practices visit our user forum @


Best Practice: Option Activities


Best Practice: Manage Indirect Costs


The following flowchart demonstrates the tasks and decision points for Activities.



Manage Activities

Manage Activity Packages

Manage Cost Codes

Manage Trades

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