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On Demand Report Management

Revised December 5, 2008


With On-Demand report functionality BuildTopia offers the user ultimate flexibility in creating reports to gather and evaluate data from the application for many different uses. This section describes how to create and access those reports.



Report Folders

Reports are grouped into the same nine (9) folders as Standard Reports, with the addition of the My Reports folder for storing private reports. The folders are aligned with the permissions settings for users in  Admin > Co Setup > Reporting Roles.


My Reports Admin Bidding & Contracting Customer Service
People Project Purchasing
Sales Sales Management Scheduling


Report Availability [Permission]

On-Demand Reports can be created with three different availability settings: Private, Public Editable and Public Viewable.







Run Existing On Demand Report




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Navigation Path

Reports > On-Demand Reports tab


  1. Select the report folder for the appropriate functional area. (Selecting the blue caret (  ) at the left will display all on demand reports in the folder.)
  2. Select the (Desired Report Name) link.
  3. The on demand report launches in a separate window with all details displayed.(See Manage On Demand Report for all options available once report results are displayed.)

Manage On Demand Report














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Navigation Path

Reports > On Demand Reports tab > Report results

Reports > On-Demand Reports tab > (Folder)


  • Report results are formatted per selections made during the report's creation, with the report name, description and filters listed at the top of the report for reference.
  • Once the user is in the Edit mode the report can be run, exported, printed, saved, or saved-as from any edit screen. This allows maximum flexibility in fine-tuning report results as the parameters are being developed in the report editing process.
  • The actions below are available from either the report results screen or the on demand reports tab.
    • Report results screen - once the report is generated as described in Run Existing On Demand Report or Create New On Demand Report it may be managed by selecting from the buttons at the report results screen.
    • On demand reports tab - once a report is saved it is stored in a report folder by functional area, and may be managed by selecting from the links for saved reports at the On Demand Reports tab.


  1. Selecting the Edit button (Edit link) will take you to the Select Column and Fields screen to modify data currently selected in the existing report.


  1. Select the Export button (Export link) to download the report in an Excel spreadsheet format.
  2. At the File Download prompt, select the Open link to open the Excel file, Save button to save the file to your computer, or Cancel to return to the BuildTopia application.

NOTE: The Export action presents an unformatted view of the report data.

Printable / Print

  1. Select the Printable button (Print link) to download the report in an Excel spreadsheet format.
  2. At the File Download prompt, select the Open link to open the Excel file, Save button to save the file to your computer, or Cancel to return to the BuildTopia application.

NOTE: The Printable / Print action presents a formatted view of the report data which can be printed from your computer.

Hide Details / Show Details

  1. Toggle the Show Details/Hide Details button to expand or collapse rows in summary type on demand reports.

NOTE: The Show Details/Hide Details button does not appear in tabular type on demand reports. The button is visible at the report results screen only.

Save / Save As

  1. Select the  Save or Save As buttons to keep your selections and save the report for use at a later time. (Note: The Save button defaults to the current report name and a blank report description field, both of which may be modified in this screen; the Save As button defaults to a blank name and report description field for data entry.)
    1. Use the text field to enter the Report Name.
    2. As appropriate, use the text field to enter a Report Description.
    3. Use the pull-down list to select the Report Availability - Permission for the report. The default selection is Private.
    4. Select the Save button to save the report.

NOTE: The Save and Save As buttons are visible at the report results screen only.


  1. Select the Delete link for the selected report.
  2. At the prompt, "You are about to permanently delete this report. Click OK to confirm, CANCEL to return to the report list.", select OK to continue or select the Cancel button to return to the report list.

NOTE: The Delete link is visible at the On Demand Reports tab only.

Create New On Demand Report


















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Navigation Path

Reports > On-Demand Reports tab > New Report


  1. Select the New Report link.
  2. On the Create New On Demand Report screen, in theSelect Data Set section, select the Data Set folder from the pull-down menu.
  3. Select the Data Set from the list displayed when the data set folder is chosen.

NOTE: It is  recommended the user become familiar with data set structure and available data sets prior to creating your first report. (See Recommended Admin Folder Reports in Manage Reports > Notes.)

  1. In the Select Report Type section, select the appropriate radio button for the type of report to create.
    • Tabular Report - This format most closely resembles an Excel spreadsheet or table view of the report data. When exported all cells can be directly manipulated in MSExcel.
    • Summary Report - This format groups report data into several groups and calculates summary information for each group. Summarized cells are merged cells and are treated as such when exported to MSExcel.
  2. Select the Next button to continue with the report creation.
  3. On the Select Columns screen:
    1. Data set fields represent columns in the report. Select and de-select checkbox(es) to establish the information you want displayed in column(s) on the report. One field is always selected by default for reports at this stage to allow the user to run the report at any point in the creation process.
    2. Select the Next button to continue to the next step, or select the step from the Go To Step pull-down list to go directly to any step in the process, including Start Over.
  4. On the Select Columns to Summarize screen:
    1. Select the checkbox for the summarization columns as appropriate for the available fields. The columns available for selection are: Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum.


      • This screen only displays fields that contain numeric data.
      • The "Record Count" field is always available to return a count of the number of records for the report, and report section(s) where appropriate. The Sum field is checked by default for all reports.
    2. Select the Next button to continue to the next step, or select the step from the Go To Step pull-down list to go directly to any step in the process.

    NOTE: If you are creating a tabular report, proceed to Step 9 below.

  5. For Summary reports, on the Select Groupings screen:
    1. Select the pull-down menu for the Grouping levels, for up to 5 groups.
    2. Select the Sort Order for each grouping level (Ascending to sort A to Z, Descending to sort Z to A).
  6. On the Select Column Order screen:
    1. Select and drag data field (column) names to the desired order, placing the fields intended for the left of the report at the top of the list.
    2. Select the Next button to continue to the next step, or select the step from the Go To Step pull-down list to go directly to any step in the process.
  7. On the Select Filters screen:
    1. Select the Field Name from the pull-down list in the first column. This list contains all fields available for the data set selected, not just the fields selected for inclusion in the report.
    2. Select the appropriate filter Operator from the second column. The Operator pull-down list is based on the data type for the selection in the first column.
    3. Enter the Value that you are filtering for in the third column


      • Text data type operators:
        • Equals
        • Not Equals
        • Contains
        • Is Empty (No field entry)
        • Is Not Empty (Field entry)
        • Start With
        • Ends With
      • Date, Number, and Currency data type operators:
        • Equals
        • Not Equals
        • Is Empty (No field entry)
        • Is Not Empty (Field entry)
        • Less Than
        • Less Than or Equal To
        • Greater Than
        • Greater Than or Equal To
      • Boolean (Yes or No, True or False) data type operators:
        • Is True
        • Is False

Filtering Tips:

  • If you're not sure which values are valid for a field, run the report with no filters and select from the results displayed for that field (example: Field=Contract Status; run report, see statuses displayed (Finalized, Terminated, Expired, etc), edit report to select the value for the status you want to filter in or out, re-run report.)
  • If you have difficulty pulling data from fields you are confident should display, try less restrictive operators - ('Contains' instead of 'Equals', etc). (example: Field=Contract Status; if no data returned for Operator=Equals / Value=Finalized, change Operator to 'Includes'.)If you still cannot pull known data, run the report with the data field included but without the problematic filter and identify the issue from within the data that does display. Then apply the filter and operator.

NOTES on Filters:

    • The maximum number of filters is ten; five fields display by default with five additional fields available by selecting Show Additional Filters.
    • The maximum number of characters in a filter field is 150.
    • You may include multiple values in a filter by separating them with semi-colons. e.g. "black;red;blue"
    • To specify a value as empty OR a specific value, put a semi-colon before the example. e.g. ";black; red"
    • Specify dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
    • Specify currency filter values as numbers, do not include formatting. e.g. "1450.95" or "1500"
    • To clear a filter select "None" in the Field column.
    • To utilize the advanced filter options select the Show Advanced Logic hyperlink. (See Advanced Filter Logic flowchart.)

NOTES on Advanced Logic:

    • Make sure that each filter line that contains a field, operator, and value, is included in the line number in the Advanced Filter Logic.
      • Each filter line is automatically added to the Advanced Filter Logic with 'And' in between each.
      • If you add additional logic lines after selecting Show Advanced Logic hyperlink you will need to manually add the new lines OR select the Clear Advanced Logic hyperlink again to hide and re-show the Advanced Filter Logic.
    • Make sure each open parenthesis "(" has a matching close parenthesis ")".
    • Enclose conditions that have priority in parentheses. For example, "(1 AND 2) OR 3" finds records that meet either both the first two filters or the third. While "1 AND (2 OR 3)" finds records that meet the first filter as well as either the second or third.
    • Insert one of these terms between each filter line number: and, or, not. Avoid conditions like "1 AND OR 2" AND "(1 2 3)."
    • Begin a condition with the term NOT but do not end one with NOT. For example, "NOT 1 AND (2 OR 3 OR 4)" finds records that meet any of the last three filters and excludes records that meet the first filter.
    • If you remove the contents of a filter, remove the number of that filter line from the Advanced Filter Logic field.
  1. To Generate the Report:
    1. Select the Run Report button to view the formatted report within the BuildTopia application.
    2. Select the Edit, Print, Export, Save or Save As buttons (See Manage On Demand Report) or
    3. Proceed with Campaign Functionality (report results generation options).

    NOTE: While in the report results view, columns can be sorted in ascending / descending order by selecting the column header; if grouped, the column sort applies within the grouping.

Report / Campaign Functionality









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Report Results Generation Options:

Mailing Labels, Campaigns, Third Party Prospect Tool exports

Campaign functionality set up at the Data Library can be executed from the report results screen, including the options to generate mailing or other labels, create a campaign, or export the data to Excel or csv formats for use in other applications. (See Campaign Management Functionality Workflow.)

Mailing Labels

Navigation Path

Reports > On Demand Reports > [Report Name]


The user can generate mailing labels by running an on demand report using any data set and entering the information to display on the actual label. Prospects, Buyers, Brokers or any other results in the reporting functionality are available for inclusion on Mailing Labels.


  1. From the Results screen, select Generate Labels from the More Actions drop down
  2. Specify label format from drop down [Avery 5160 with 3, 4, or 5 rows]
    • Select the appropriate label format from the drop down
    • To include a column simply specify the column number in the desired row
    • You may include multiple columns in the same row. e.g. "5, 6 7" (Read: "5 comma space 6 space space 7") may be appropriate for the "city, state zip" row.
    • All formatting within a row will be preserved [enter commas or spaces as desired between fields].
  3. Select Generate button
  4. A printable pdf will be created in the format you have specified in the label wizard
  5. Load the labels and send the job to your printer.

Marketing Campaigns and Third Party Prospect Tool exports

Campaign Functionality Data Sets

Data regarding Broker Agents & Mortgage Companies can be pulled for reports from multiple locations, so it's important to select the correct data set to generate reports for your targeted group. To address these groups, use these data set folders:

  • Prospects/Buyers:
    • People data set folder
    • Sales data set folder:
      • Change Orders
      • NSOs
      • Sales Agreements
      • Sales Agreement Options
      • Workups
    • Sales Management data set folder:
      • NSOs
      • Workup/Agreement Deposits
  • Owners - Customer Service data set folder
  • Broker / Mortgage Company level  - Admin data set folder
  • Broker / Mortgage Project level - Project data set folder

Navigation Path

Reports > On Demand Reports > [Report Name]


Campaign functionality in the Reporting module allows the user to create a campaign from within the on demand reports functionality. With Marketing Campaigns the user may now also market to brokers or mortgage companies in one or many projects in the company.

Any data available in Campaign Functionality Data Sets [see above] can be searched or filtered to include in Marketing Campaign reports.

The data can also be exported to Excel or .csv file format for use with third party prospect management tools [example: Vertical Response]. In general, with a formatted list third party tools allow the user to generate and manage email campaigns and analyze results in real time from any web browser. Statistics and campaign performance, (including things like click through rates and non responder numbers) can be viewed and your campaign modified to respond to the campaign's performance.


  1. Create Marketing Campaign at Admin > Company Setup > Sales > Marketing Campaign
  2. Add Marketing Campaign Tasks
  3. Create [and Run] On Demand Report using People, Broker Agents or Mortgage Companies Data sets.
  4. Select Generate Campaign from the More Actions drop down.
  5. Select the Type of Campaign to generate from the drop down.
    • BT Marketing Campaign - Generates To-Do tasks for prospects/buyers displayed in the report results.
      • Select the Marketing Campaign to apply
      • Specify the Start Date for the campaign. This is used to calculate the tasks dates based on the tasks default days.
      • Select the radio button Yes or No to deduplicate the campaign by email address. This will ensure that only one prospect with a specific email address receives the campaign.
      • Select Generate button. The tasks identified in the marketing campaign are automatically added to the report results' prospect and buyer records, flagged with the origin 'Marketing Campaign'.
    • Export for 3rd Party Tool - Generates a CSV file that can be used in a 3rd party marketing tool or other application.
      • Select Generate, Don't Generate, or Generate and Mark Complete from the Generate Prospect Task drop down.
      • Select the radio button Yes or No to deduplicate the campaign by email address. This will ensure that only one prospect with a specific email address receives the campaign.
      • Select Generate button.
      • At the File Download prompt, select the Open link to open the Excel / CSV file, Save button to save the file to your computer, or Cancel to return to the BuildTopia application.


  • The information in the csv file can now be imported into a third party prospect management tool or other application.
  • The results will always be filtered by the prospects email opt out setting.
  • Deduplication by email address: When a campaign or export is created the user may automatically deduplicate results by email address to avoid assigning multiple campaign tasks or mailings to a single data record. (Note: Due to the Project-specific nature of Follow Up Campaigns, those results cannot be deduplicated. So, if you have a prospect with the same Prospect Type Code in more than one project and are using the same Follow Up Campaign in both projects, that prospect will receive duplicate mailings or tasks generated by the campaigns.)


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