You are here: Data Library > Schedules > New Define Schedule Template

Define Schedule Template

Revised May 20, 2009


In this section we demonstrate how to create, edit and manage schedule template(s) for selection in projects and lots.



Primary Task

Associated Task

Add Schedule Template

Company Calendar

Import Template From Lot

Plan-Specific Default Schedule

Create Template from Data Upload Wizard


View Template


Edit Template  

Archive / Restore Template


Delete Template


View Where Template Used


Task-Activity Relationship


Option Lockout Status




Helpful Definitions for Scheduling

Critical Path Scheduling (CPM)

Precedence vs. Bump Schedule Type-

Lag Time

Predecessor -

Pre-Construction Schedule -

Float -

Critical Task

Notification Time




Add Schedule Template














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Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Add Schedule Template


Create New Template 

  1. Use the Schedule Template Name text field to enter the name of the new template .
  2. Select the Schedule Type; Pre-Construction or Construction. The pre-construction schedule represents the first phase(s) of the lot schedule. It will always be the first phase of the schedule. Pre-construction schedules are tied to a designated start date or the completion of another task on a unit within this project.
  3. Select Update Type; Precedence Only or Bump. A Precedence schedule automatically updates the schedule based on precedence and critical path. The Bump schedule type can also have precedents, but it also allows the user to manually move dates when adjusting the schedule on a lot. A "Bump" schedule will also prompt the user when they complete tasks asking the user if they want to bump the schedule.
  4. Select the Status; the Pending status allows the user to continue working on the template before it is available to use on a lot and the Active status makes it available for use on a lot immediately.
  5. Select the Save button to save the template changes, or, as appropriate, select the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Copy Template

  1. Select the template to be copied.
  2. Select the Copy link from the Actions column.
  3. Edit the Schedule Template Name., and make any necessary changes.
  4. Select Save to save the template changes, or, as appropriate, select the Cancel button to discard the changes to the template name.


See "Add Phase or Add Task" to add Phases and Tasks to your schedule.


Import Template from Lot






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Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Import Template From Lot


  1. Select the information below to identify the specific lot to import
    1. Select the Project containing the schedule to import from.
    1. Select the Lot Number containing the schedule.
  2. Review the associated schedule below the Import fields to confirm the correct schedule was selected. If not, select a new project and/or lot.
  3. Use the text field to enter the Schedule Template Name.
  4. Select the Schedule Type; Pre-Construction or Construction. The pre-construction schedule represents the first phase(s) of the lot schedule.

  5. Select Update Type; Precedence Only or Bump. A Precedence schedule automatically updates the schedule based on precedence and critical path. The Bump type schedule can also have precedents, but it also allows the user to manually move dates when adjusting the schedule on a lot.
  6. Select the Status; Pending will not be available to use on a lot and the Active Status makes it available for use on a lot.
  7. Select the Import Template button to save the template changes, or, as appropriate, select the Cancel button to discard the changes.


Create Template from Data Upload Wizard



















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Navigation Path

Admin > Company Setup > Data Upload Wizard


The Data Upload Wizard may be used to upload your schedule template by taking an excel sheet with your information to upload into BuildTopia.


  1. Select Data Upload Wizard link. (BT launches a recommendation box, strongly recommending data uploads be accomplished in training environment first, to view and verify data prior to uploading into production environment. 'The data upload process does not check for duplicates, and you cannot undo an upload.' )
  2. Select OK button to proceed, or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.
  3. Select data upload type from drop down list.
  4. Select Next button to proceed, or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.
  5. Review instructions fully before proceeding with data upload.
  6. To download the template with instructions, select the here link to download an excel version of the Schedule Upload Instruction Manual. The manual includes three worksheets:
    1. Overview - including a written overview of the process and manual worksheets.
    2. Instructions - with step by step details to prepare data for the data upload.
    3. Data Template - with sample data and blank cells which you can use to create your own excel version of a construction schedule template for upload.
  7. Select Next button to proceed or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.
  8. Choose the Columns for upload; follow selection tips; only one box may be selected or unselected in Schedules data upload: Trade.
  9. Select Next button to proceed, Previous button to return to previous screen for more review, or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.
  10. Click and drag column names vertically to order columns consistent with your excel worksheet data.
  11. Select Next button to proceed, Previous button to return to previous screen for more review, or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.
  12. Upload your excel document containing your upload data using the Browse... button, follow File Upload Tips.
  13. Select Next button to proceed, Previous button to return to previous screen for more review, or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.
  14. NOTE: Upload Wizard will identify any errors in your worksheet for correction. You may select the Previous button, correct and save your worksheet, then proceed with the Next button once all corrections have been made.
  15. Screen displays Successfully Uploaded message. Select Upload Another button to repeat this process, or Cancel button to return to Company Setup screen.


View Template


Back to Top

Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Templates Name or Manage Tasks


  1. Select the Manage Tasks link or the Schedule Template name to drill into the detail of a schedule template. See Edit Schedule Template for the actions that can be performed in a schedule template.


Edit Template

Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Edit


Editing the template allows you to edit the template name, schedule type and update type as well as the status


  1. Select Edit in the Actions column for the Schedule that required editing. See "Create New Template " to learn more about the meaning of each attribute.
  2. Edit the necessary attributes and select Save or Cancel


Archive / Restore Template






Back to Top

Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Edit


Archive the schedule instead of deleting in case you want to use the task activity relationships on a schedule down the road.

Archive Template

  1. Select the Archive radial.  The schedule is moved to the Archive status and is no longer available for application to a Lot.

Restore Template

  1. Select the Active radial. The schedule is moved to the Active status and is available for application to a Lot.

Delete Template



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Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Delete


  1. Select the Delete link.
  2. At the prompt, "This will permanently delete the template.  Are you sure?", select the OK button to continue with the deletion, or select the Cancel button to leave the template.


View Where Template Used



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Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > [Template Name] > Where Used link


  1. Select the Where Used link.
  2. The screen is displayed, showing where the schedule is used by Plans and Lots.
  3. Select Back to return to the list of Templates

Task-Activity Relationship


Back to Top

Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Task-Activity Relationship


See Manage Task-Activity Relationship for details on setting up this process.


Option Lockout Status


Back to Top

Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Option Lockout Status


See Manage Schedule Option Lockouts for details on setting up this process.

Company Calendar













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Navigation Path

Data Library > Schedules > Go To Company Calendar


The company's work-week can be set globally in the Company Calendar. The calendar can be overridden at the lot level by lot. Changes made to the company calendar will apply to future lot construction schedules, not schedules under way. Enter all of the holidays that the company will be taking at the company level so that they will roll down to all lots.

Within BuildTopia the company calendar defaults to a 5-day work week, Monday through Friday. This can be changed at the company level or at the individual lot level.


  1. Select the Go To Company Calendar link.  
  2. Select the check boxes for the work week.
  3. Select Save Work Week Changes button.
  4. Select Add Non-Work Date Description data entry box. (This may apply to future or past non-work dates.)
  5. Enter verbal description of non-work date.
  6. Select the Calendar icon and select a date, or enter date in data entry box (dd/mm/yyyy).
  7. Select check box if non-work date is to be applied to all active schedules in all projects.
  8. Select Add Date button.
  9. Select  Go To Schedule Template List link to return to previous screen.

Plan-Specific Default Schedule







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Navigation Path

Data Library > Plans> Edit


Plan can be assigned a default schedule template, which automatically displays when a start request is made for a plan on a lot. The user with appropriate project management permissions may override the default schedule template prior to approving the schedule and starting the lot.


  1. Select the Edit link. All completed Schedule Templates are displayed in the drop down list.
  2. Select the schedule template to assign default status to the given plan.
  3. Select Save or Cancel button.