You are here: Scheduling & Project Management > Work Not Completed

Work Not Completed

Revised May 8, 2009


Each task not completed today should be updated to reflect a new projected start or finish date. Schedule updates are communicated in real time to communicate changes effectively to all users in the system, particularly trade partners who are reviewing the schedule with an eye to commencement or completion dates planned for their contracted tasks.

The user with Project Management permissions can update scheduled tasks by modifying the task projected start or finish date for one task and then by bumping other tasks in the selected lot schedule. This section describes the processes and steps to update work which is not completed.



Primary Task

Associated Task

Update Task Projected Dates


Bump Schedule






Update Task Projected Dates














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Navigation Path

PM > Lot Matrix > Review Schedule > Edit

PM > Lot Matrix > Project Quick Schedule > Edit

PM > Lot Matrix > Project Day Schedule > Select Task Name

PM > Lot Matrix > Project Week Schedule > Select Task Name


  • Comments entered when editing tasks are tracked for future reference in the construction log (a standard report listing lot, phase, task, start and finish dates, and any comments entered here). This is useful to the user as justification or explanation when a task date is modified or construction varies from the original scheduled completion dates.
  • You can update the Start No Earlier Than date of a phase. This will set a constraint to ensure that the phase starts after a certain point in time. When you change this date you are prompted to bump the schedule unless you are using the precedence schedule type.


  1. From any schedule view above, select the appropriate link (Edit or Task Name).
  2. Enter Start No Earlier Thank date
  3. Enter comments if applicable.
  4. Select Save, or Cancel to return to previous screen.
  5. See Bump Schedule for next steps in task update process.


Bump Schedule















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PM > Lot Matrix > Review Schedule > Edit > Update Task

PM > Lot Matrix > Project Quick Schedule > Edit> Update Task

PM > Lot Matrix > Project Day Schedule > Task > Update Task

PM > Lot Matrix > Project Week Schedule > Task > Update Task

  1. From any schedule view above, select the Update Task link. Bump Schedule screen displays.
  2. If bumping future tasks:
    1. If future tasks should be bumped more than the number of days the original task was bumped, use the text field to enter the number of working days to bump future tasks.
    2. Select the checkbox for each task to be bumped.
    • To select all tasks within a phase, select the Select hyperlink for a phase.  
    • To de-select all tasks within a phase, select the Unselect link for a phase.
  3. Select one of the following buttons:
    • Preview Schedule Changes - Review schedule changes impacted by the bump procedure before approving the bump. If further changes or adjustments to the bump need to take place, make those changes and select the button again.
    • Select the Approve Bump to approve bumping the selected phases and tasks from below [forward or back] [number] working days. Number of working days may be increased or decreased from the number calculated by the bump function in the schedule.
    • Select the Do Not Bump Schedule to not bump any phases or tasks to leave the remaining scheduled tasks as is, without any schedule changes.