You are here: Custom Option Management (NSO) > What's our cost/price?

What's our cost/price?

Revised October 24, 2008


This question mimics the quoting and production cost estimating process for custom options that you currently perform off line; it allows the capturing of quotes completed within and outside of BuildTopia.



Primary Task

Create Estimate

Edit Estimate

Send to Trade Partner

Accept/Reject Quote

Edit Activities/Enter Cost

Assign Trade Partner

Complete Estimate

Price NSO Without Approving/Rejecting NSO

Approve/Price NSO



The following flowchart demonstrates the tasks and decision points for non standard options estimating.




Create an Estimate






















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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating tab > Manage > Create Estimate link

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage > Create Estimate link



Estimates can be created from scratch or by copying an existing estimate into a new estimate.


Create an Estimate

  1. Select the Create Estimate link.
  2. Use the text field to enter a Name for the Estimate.
  3. As appropriate and desired, use the text field to enter a Description of the estimate.
  4. To continue select on of the following:
    • To save the estimate and return to the estimate at a later time, select the Save button.
    • To save the estimate and edit the estimate now, select the Save & Edit button.
    • To cancel the estimate creation, select the Cancel button.

Copy an Estimate - From the NSO

  1. Select the Create Estimate link.
  2. Select the Copy link.
  3. Select the Project and Lot to view the available NSOs.
  4. Select the radio button for the NSO to which the estimate should be copied.
  5. Select Yes or No for the Copy Assignment questions will copy the trade partner assignments from the estimate.
  6. Select the Copy button, or select the Cancel button to return to the Estimate list without copying the estimate.

Copy an Estimate - From the Estimates List tab to an existing NSO

  1. Select Estimate List tab
  2. Select the Copy link for a Lot.
  3. Select the Project and Lot to view the available NSOs.
  4. Select the radio button for the NSO to which the estimate should be copied.
  5. Select the Copy button, or select the Cancel button to return to the Estimate list without copying the estimate.

Edit an Estimate & Assign Trade Partner


















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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating tab > Manage > Estimate link > Edit button

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage > Estimate link > Edit button



  1. From the NSO, select the Estimate link, then select the Edit button.
    NOTE: There is an Edit link for the NSO and for the Estimate. Make sure you navigate to the Estimate Link then the Edit link.
  2. Use the text field to edit the Name for the Estimate.
  3. As appropriate and desired, use the text field to enter a Description of the estimate.
  4. To associate an option code to the estimate, use the text field to enter the Option Code or select the Option List link to select the option name from a list of your option codes.
    NOTE: The option code is legacy functionality. It provides no additional benefit to new customers.
  5. Add activity code(s) to the estimate.
  6. For each activity added to the estimate populate the fields listed below. If you are sending a quote request to an online trade partner it is not necessary to complete the '*' items.
    1. Use the text field to enter / edit the Scope of Work for each activity code.
    2. *Select the Trade Partner from the pull-down menu.  All activity codes must be assigned to a trade partner.
    3. *Use the text field to enter the Tax Rate for the activity code.
    4. Use the text field to enter the Budgeted Amount for the activity code.
    5. *Use the text field to enter the Actual Amount for the activity code.
  7. Select the Save button to save the changes to the estimate, or select the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Manage Activity Code(s) for an Estimate














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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating tab > Manage > Estimate link

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage > Estimate link


Add Activity Codes

  1. Select the Add Activity Code link.
  2. Search for the activity codes to be added using one or more of the following fields:
    • Search Field: Activity code name, activity code number
    • Drop down: Filter by trade
  3. Press then Enter key to begin the search, or the Clear button to clear entry in the search form. The drop down selection will automatically filter when selected.
  4. Select the Add checkbox for each activity code to be added.  Use the Select All and Clear All buttons to select and de-select all checkboxes at once.
  5. Select the Add button to add the selected activity code(s) and continue searching; select the Add & Exit button to add  the activity code(s) and return to the estimate, or select the Cancel button to return to the estimate without adding activity codes.

Remove Cost Code(s)

  1. Select the Remove checkbox for each activity code to be removed.
  2. Select the Remove Activity Code(s) button.

Send Package to Online Trade Partner









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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating tab > Manage > Estimate link > Send link

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage > Estimate link > Send link



  1. Select the Send link.
  2. As appropriate and desired, use the pull-down menu to select the activity codes being sent to the trade partner(s).
  3. Enter the Expiration Date of the quote request, using the text field or the calendar icon to select the date.  Dates entered manually must be in the standard MM/DD/YYYY format.  If an expiration date is entered, the trade partner must respond to the quote request by the date entered.
  4. Select the to add online trade partner(s).
  5. Use the text field to enter the Comments for the estimate.
  6. Select the Send button to send the estimate, or select the Cancel button to discard the message.

Accept or Reject Quote from Trade Partner










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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating tab > Manage > Estimate link > Quotes tab

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage > Estimate link > Quotes tab



When accepting a quote, any other quotes sent to additional trade partners for the activity codes contained within the quote being accepted will be closed.  In essence, accepting one quote rejects all others.



  1. To view the line item amount entries within the quote, select the blue caret.
  2. To accept or reject the quote, select the Decision link for the quote.
    1. Use the text field to enter Comments about the quote, and the acceptance or rejection.
    2. Select the Accept or Reject button as appropriate, or select the Cancel button to return to the Quotes list without making a decision.

Mark Estimate Complete








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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating tab > Manage > Estimate link > Complete link

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage > Estimate link > Complete link



When the estimate has been created, all edits have been completed, and all activity codes have been assigned to a trade partner, mark the estimate complete.



  1. Select the Complete link.

Price NSO without Approving / Rejecting NSO







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Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Estimating / Pricing > Manage

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage



  1. Select the Edit button.  
  2. Use the text field to enter / edit the Retail Price.
  3. As appropriate, use the text field to enter / edit Production Cost for the NSO.  

    NOTE: Production Costs do not apply to BTSales and BTService customers. This field can be used to record cost if estimating is not used, especially for BTSales users. It can also be used to record actual cost if estimate is exceeded.
  4. Select the Save button or select the Cancel button to return to the NSO without saving the changes.

Price NSO and Approve or Reject NSO









Back to Top


Navigation Path

NSO > NSO List > Pricing > Manage

NSO > Lot Matrix > Details > Manage



  1. Select the Approve / Price NSO link.  
    NOTE: If you have forgotten to enter the quoted description you cannot price the NSO. Select the Edit button to enter the Quoted Description.
  2. Use the text field to enter the required Comments.
  3. As appropriate, use the text fields to enter / edit the Retail Price and Production Cost for the NSO.  

    NOTE: Production Costs do not apply to BTSales and BTService customers.
  4. Select the Approve Pricing button or select the Reject Pricing button as appropriate; select the Cancel button to return to the NSO without accepting or rejecting the pricing.