Bid Invitations

Revised October 24, 2008


Bid invitations are created for each trade partner that will provide cost information.




Never Sent

You have never sent the bid to the trade partner.


The trade partner has not made a decision to accept the invitation to bid on this work.


The trade partner has accepted the invitation to bid on this work.


The trade partner has made changes to the bid (but has not sent it back to you).


The trade partner has sent their changes to you.


The trade partner has elected not to bid on this work.


Primary Tasks





Create Bid Invitation
















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Navigation Path

BC > Bids >  Create


Note: Bids invitations are created for online or off-line trade partners.


  1. Select Create link
  2. Select Bid Type as Turnkey or Unit of Measure
  3. Select to add Trade Partners. You can select multiple trade partners from this screen. Click Done.
  4. Enter emails of external users (if applicable). Examples of external users might be off-line trade partners or copies of the request sent to users outside of BuildTopia.
  5. Enter Subject. I.e. 'Request to submit bid for Project Name'
  6. Enter Comments/Descriptions on the bid. I.e. 'Please return bid by COB 01/01/2007. If you have any questions please contact Sally Good at (555)555-5555.'
  7. Click the beside the Copy From if you want to initially capture current cost information from an existing bid or contract. A new screen will open allowing you to choose from trade partners associated with that trade.
  8. Unit-of-Measure bids only - Select the Projects that the unit-of-measure bid will be associated.
  9. Click Create, Create & Send, or the Cancel button
    1. Create will create a bid with the status of 'Bid Revised'. If you don't send the bid now - you will have an opportunity to Send the bid at a later time.
    2. Create & Send will create a bid with the status of 'Bid Sent' for online trade partners or 'Bid Revised' for off-line trade partners.

Send Bid










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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > Turnkey or Unit-of-Measure > Send

BC > Bids > Turnkey or Unit-of-Measure > View > Send



  • This functionality is for online Trade partners only.
  • Follow these steps if you didn't send the bid when you created the bid invitation.


  1. Select Send link
  2. Modify Subject if necessary
  3. Enter bid comments
  4. Bid Status is changed to 'Bid Sent'