Contract Creation

Revised October 24, 2008


Contracts are created from the bid tab.


Primary Tasks





Create a TK Contract








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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > TK > View > Create Contract


Note: If the trade partner sent pricing that has not been merged into the bid, the following prompt will appear when selecting to create a contract: "trade partner has sent new pricing that has not yet been merged.  Do you still wish to create a contract?"


  1. Select the Create Contract link under Actions.
  2. Select Create Contract button to only Create the contract or select the Create Contract & Finalize to create and finalize the contract.

The bid is no longer available in the Bid tab - it has moved to the Contract tab.

Finalize a TK Contract




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Back to Current Price Change

Back to Future Price Change


Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK > Finalize


Note: If the contract being finalized will be the second finalized contract for the trade partner for the same trade, the Effective Date of the second contract will also be the Expiration Date for the first contract.



     1.  Select the Finalize link.

     2.  Enter the Effective Date of the contract using the text field or the Pick Date link.  

     3.  Select the Finalize Contract button to continue with the finalization, or select the Cancel button to return to the Contracts list.

Update POs for trade partner




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Back to Current Price Change

Back to Future Price Change

Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK > Finalize Step Completed


Note: Once the contract is finalized you will be presented with any open purchase orders. If it is your company's practice to change the amount on generated purchase orders then you will select the purchase orders that you want to update pricing on.



  1. Select the purchase orders that you wish to update with new pricing.
  2. Select  Update Selected PO Line(s) button to update with new pricing or skip to step 3 to NOT update any purchase orders.
  3. Select Done.

Promote / Demote a TK Contract






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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > Promote link



  • Use to adjust the order of precedence for the contract within the contracts finalized for the trade.
  • The order number of the contracts determines the order that the contracts will appear on WO/PO screens and the Compare Budget screen.


    1.  Select the Promote link to move the contract higher in the contract ordering.

    2.  Repeat step 1 until the contract is in the desired position.