Current Price Change

Revised October 24, 2008


Current Prices Changes occur when the trade partner has notified you of immediate prices changes that need to take effect of existing contracts.






Edit a TK Contract










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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK> View > Edit

BC > Contracts > TK>  Edit



  1. Select the Edit link.
  2. Select the Plan from the pull-down list.
  3. Use the text field to edit the Tax Rate for the contract.
  4. Use the text field to edit the Expiration Date for the contract.
  5. Use the text field to edit the Amount for each activity as desired.
  6. As appropriate, select the checkbox to apply the amount to All Plans?
  7. As appropriate, select the checkbox to indicate that the activity is Taxable.
  8. Select the Save button to save the changes and go to the next plan, or select Save & Exit to save changes and exit the Edit screen or select the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Add Comments








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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK> View > Comments


Note: Comments are seen by the trade partner immediately as they are added to the contract. You can view the comments from the Comments tab on the View screen.



  1. Select the Comments link.
  2. Use the text field to add a comment to the contract.
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes and go to the next plan, or select the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Copy Pricing














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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK> View > Copy Pricing


Note: Copy Pricing allows you to copy pricing from another bid or contract to the current contract.



  1. Select the Copy Pricing link.
  2. Select the Project from the drop down that the bid or contract that you want to copy is in.
  3. Select the Bid/Contract that you want to copy the pricing from.
  4. Select the plan that you want to copy the pricing from for each plan within the current project.
  5. Select Copy.
  6. Under the Actions section - select Accept/Reject.
  7. Review the changes by plan, base and options. Select the drop down to review by Plan. Select the Base or Option tab to review changes made to each.
  8. Select Approve to approve the changes and return to the Contract tab or select Approve & Finalize to accept the changes and finalize the contract so that Purchase Orders can be created from the changes or select Reject to reject the changes and return to the Contract tab.

View History




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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK> View > History



  1. Select the History link.
  2. Select the Plan from the pull-down list.
  3. Select the Base, Option, or All tab to view the contract history.

Finalized Date Log



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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > TK> View > History > Finalize Date Log



  1. Select the Finalize Date Log link.
  2. The log shows the Date Changed, Effective Date and Expiration Date for each contract finalization.

Send Contract to trade partner



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Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > View Contract > Send



   1.  Select  Send .

   2.  Use the text field to enter the Comments for the contract.

   3.  Select the Send button to send the contract, or select the Cancel button to return to the View Contract screen.


Approve/Reject Contract




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Back to Future Price Change

Navigation Path

BC > Contracts > Accept / Reject link for contract


  1. Select the Accept / Reject link.
  2. The updated field(s) are highlighted in yellow.
  3. Use the text field to enter comments for the contract change.
  4. Select the Approve button to accept the changes, Approve & Finalize to accept the changes and Finalize the Contract, the Reject button to reject the changes, or the Cancel button to return to the Contracts screen without accepting or rejecting the changes.