You are here: Administration > BTService Settings
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BTService Settings

Revised October 24, 2008


BTService settings are managed at the company level. Setup tasks must be completed before fully utilizing the functions of the BTService application. Setup includes creation of permissions and roles, warranty rep rotation settings, general settings, custom fields, associated people, homebuyer homepage setup, and warranties. Aging levels, origins, dispositions and checklists are also set up here.


You can print out the Best Practice link below for examples of most areas of BTService setup.


* indicates that a best practice is available:



Warranty Service Team



Permission Roles




















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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Permission Roles


Permissions are role-based for the entire company.   The permission roles set in this screen will be used to customize user permissions for BTService access.  Create or modify the permission roles as desired to match your work-flow.

To Add a Service Role

  1. Select the Add Permission Role link.
  2. Enter the name of the role in the Role Name field.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select all appropriate permissions for the role:
    1. Download BTService Permissions for a complete description of the permissions
  4. Select the Save button to save the changes.

To Edit a Service Role

The BTService Administrator role is not editable.

  1. Select the View/Edit link from the Action column for the role to be edited.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select or unselect all appropriate permissions for the role. See Step 3 in the To Add a Service Role section
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes.

To Archive A Service Role

Archiving a role does not affect users assigned to that role; it prevents selection of the role in the future.

  1. Select the Archive link from the Action column on the Archive tab.
  2. To reactivate an archived role, select the Re-Activate link from the Action column for the role to be reactivated.


The View to Compare feature allows the user to view all of the roles side by side to see the selections.

Rep Rotation




















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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Rep Rotation


Setting Rep Rotations allow incoming service requests to be automatically assigned to the next Rep in the rotation.  Rep Rotations can be defined on a company-level and by individual project.  The project-level rep rotations default to the company-level definitions, but remain fully customizable. If a user is not available then that user does not have access to the projects. You need to associate the user to the projects in Admin > Users > Projects

View Rep Rotation

  1. Select the Rep Rotation tab.
  2. Select the Rotation Level you wish to view from the pull-down list.
  3. The list of rep's is refreshed for the Rotation Level selected.

Add a Rep to the Rotation

  1. Select the Rotation Level you wish to view from the pull-down list.
  2. Select the Rep's name from the Select a Rep pull-down list.
  3. Select the Add button to add the rep selected to the rotation.

Manage a Rep's Rotation

The * to the left of the rep's name indicates that the rep is in the front of the rotation and will be the next rep assigned to a service request.

  1. Select the Rep Rotation tab.
  2. Select the Rotation Level you wish to view from the pull-down list.
  3. To remove the rep from the rotation, select the Remove link in the Action column for the Rep you wish to remove.
  4. To move the rep adjust the rep's place in the rotation, select the Move Forward or Move Backward link, as appropriate, in the Action column for the Rep you wish to adjust.

General Settings











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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > General Settings

Default Service Manager (for email)

The default service manager is the manager that will appear in the 'From' field for all email to homeowners and trade partners.

  1. Select the General Settings tab.
  2. Select the service manager from the pull-down list to be the default service manager selected for email.  If you have multiple managers or do not want a default service manager entered, leave the pull-down list selection set to "-- Select --".

Allow unassigned request to be closed?

  1. Select the General Settings tab.
  2. Select Yes or No from the pull-down list as appropriate to allow / disallow unassigned service requests to be closed.

Track when request are read by assigned rep?

  1. Select the General Settings tab.
  2. Select Yes or No from the pull-down list as appropriate to allow / disallow tracking when service requests are ready by the assigned rep. If set to Yes an additional field will appear on the request form displaying the date.




Custom Fields








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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Custom Fields


Custom fields allow the company to track homeowner information that the system does not support by default.  Active custom fields appear in the Owner Information section of the BTService module.

Manage Custom Fields

  1. Select the Homeowner > Custom Fields tab.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Field Name for one of the two custom fields.
  3. To activate / de-activate the custom field, select the Yes or No radio button in the Action column, where appropriate.
  4. Select the Save button to save the custom field changes as appropriate.

Associated People













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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Associated People


Associated people are people other than homeowners with whom the Customer Service department or Trade Partners may interact regarding service issues.

Add an Associated People Category

  1. Select the Associated People tab.
  2. Use the text field to enter the name of the Associated People Category.
  3. Select Y or N from the Able to Create Requests pull-down list to indicate whether people assigned to the Associated People Category have the ability or not to create service requests.
  4. Select the Add New Category button to add the category.

Manage an Associated People Category

  1. Select the Associated People tab.
  2. Use the text field to edit the name of the Associated People Category.
  3. Select or de-select the Able to Create Requests checkbox to indicate whether people assigned to the Associated People Category have the ability or not to create service requests.
  4. Select the Delete link to delete the Associated People Category. Categories that have been used cannot be deleted.

Homebuyer Homepage












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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Homebuyer Homepage


  • The ability to have customers submit CS requests via their homebuyer homepage is set in Admin > Projects > Homebuyer Homepage > Permissions.
  • A request received from the homebuyer homepage is automatically assigned an origin of Homebuyers Homepage.

Customer Service Request Form Header

This information will appear at the top of the Homebuyer Homepage Customer Service Request page and can include HTML tags.

  1. Select the Homebuyer Homepage tab.
  2. Use the text field to enter any text that should appear at the top of the homebuyer request submission page.
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes as appropriate.

Automatic Email Response

The following steps configure the automatic email response sent to the homeowner when a homeowner submits a service request from the homebuyer homepage.

  1. Select the Homebuyer Homepage tab.
  2. Select / de-select the Send Emails to Owners when they submit a request checkbox to enable or disable the automatic email response as appropriate.
  3. Select the Return Email Template from the pull-down list.  As necessary or desired, follow the steps in Document Management to add an email template.
  4. Select the desired service manager's email address from the Return email from pull-down list.  The pull-down list contains the email addresses for all users with BTService access.  If an expected email address does not appear in the pull-down list, manage the user information to verify the email address was entered and that the user has been granted BTService access.
  5. Select the Save button to save the changes as appropriate.

Email Notification

The following steps configure the automatic email notification sent to the Warranty Service team members, as well as any other defined individuals, when a homeowner submits a service request from the homebuyer homepage.

  1. Select the Homebuyer Homepage tab.
  2. Select the Notification Email Template from the pull-down list.  As necessary or desired, follow the steps in Document Management to add an email template.
  3. Use the text field to enter the email addresses of all individuals who should receive the notification email when an online request is received.  Multiple email addresses should be separated by a semicolon and entered in a single line.
  4. Select the Save button to save the changes as appropriate.














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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Warranties


  • Warranty packages can be specified for a project in Admin > Projects > Project Settings.
  • The company can add / define an unlimited number of Warranty Packages.
  • For each warranty package, the user can define an unlimited number of Warranty Items, each of which is classified according to the months after settlement.

Add a New Warranty Package

  1. Select the Warranties tab.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Warranty Name.
  3. Select the Add New Warranty Package button to add the warranty package.

Manage an Existing Warranty Package

  1. Select the Warranties tab.
  2. Use the text field to edit the Warranty Name.
  3. Select the Delete link for the warranty package to be deleted.
  4. Select the Save button to save the warranty package changes or the Cancel button to discard the warranty package changes as appropriate.

Add a New Warranty Item

  1. Select the Warranties tab.
  2. Select the View / Edit Warranty Items link for the Warranty package to be managed.
  3. Use the text field to enter the Warranty Item Name.
  4. Use the text field to enter the number of Months After Settlement that the warranty item applies.
  5. Select Y or N from the pull-down list to indicate whether the warranty item is Active.
  6. Select Y or N from the pull-down list to indicate whether the warranty item is Transferrable.
  7. Select the Add New Warranty Item button to add the new warranty item.

Manage Warranty Items

  1. Select the Warranties tab.
  2. Select the View / Edit Warranty Items link for the Warranty package to be managed.
  3. Follow steps 2 - 5 of the Add Warranty Package Items section to manage the warranty package item.
  4. Select the Delete link for the warranty item to be deleted, as appropriate.
  5. Select the Save button to save the warranty item changes or the Cancel button to discard the warranty item changes as appropriate.





Aging Level














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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Aging Levels


  • Aging levels are indicated on the Customer Service Rep (CSR) and Customer Service Manager (CSM) dashboards, as well as in reporting.
  • A request ages daily at midnight EST / EDT.  The day the request is entered, it has no age.  For example: a request entered at 5:00 pm EST / EDT on January 1 becomes one day old at midnight on January 2.  A request entered at 9:30pm PST / PDT on January 1 (or 12:30 am EST / EDT on January 2) becomes one day old at midnight on January 3.
  • Each user can specify 0 - 5 aging levels.  The user is not required to use all five available aging levels.
  • The default aging frame is a five-day week.  The user can select to include weekends, adjusting the aging frame to a seven-day week.

Manage Aging Levels

  1. Select Aging Levels tab.
  2. For the appropriate aging level, use the text field to enter the Description of the aging level.
  3. Use the text field to enter Start Day for which the aging level should begin.
  4. Use the text field to enter End Day for which the aging level should stop.
  5. Select or de-select the Include Weekends in Aging checkbox to indicate use of a seven-day week instead of the default five-day week.
  6. Select the Save button to save the changes or Cancel to discard the changes made as appropriate.















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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Origins


  • A user can specify an unlimited number of origins.
  • Each request is assigned a single origin.
  • Unassigned origins can be deleted; Assigned origins can be hidden, not deleted.

Add an Origin

  1. Select the Origins tab.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Origin Name.
  3. Select the Add New Origin button to add the origin.

Manage an Origin

  1. Select the Origins tab.
  2. To edit an Origin Name,
    1. Select the Edit link from the Actions column for the origin you wish to edit.
    2. Use the text field to edit the Origin Name.
    3. Select the Save button to save the changes and return to the origins list, or select the Cancel button to return to the origins list without saving the changes.
  3. To no longer use an origin which has been assigned to one or more service requests, select the Hide link from the Actions column for the origin you wish to remove.  
  4. To show a hidden origin, select the Show link from the Actions column for the origin you wish to display.
  5. To remove an origin which has not been assigned to one or more service requests, select the Delete link from the Actions column for the origin you wish to remove.  If an origin has been used, the Delete link is replaced with "Used".

Custom Fields



















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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Requests - Custom Fields


  • A user can set up custom fields with codes (and sub-codes) to associate with requests or request items.
  • Each field can have multiple codes.  Each code can have multiple sub-codes.  Codes and sub-codes can be added at any time.
  • Unassigned codes can be deleted; Assigned codes can be hidden, not deleted.
  • Up to ten (10) request-level and ten (10) item-level custom fields are available for use.  Any unused custom fields are retained as placeholders for future use.
  • An example of a Custom Field, Values and Sub-values might look like this.

Request Level Custom Field =

Request Inspection Status

Request Level Field Values =

Not Scheduled






  • Custom fields are defined with one of three statuses.
    • Active - Displays and is available for use
    • Active (Required) - Displays and must be completed
    • Inactive - Does not display; retained for reporting
  • Values and sub-values are defined with one of three statuses.
    • Active - Displays and is available for use
    • Default - Displays and is automatically selected - The user may change this selection.
    • Inactive - Does not display; retained for reporting

Define a Custom Field

  1. Select the Define link for the field to be created.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Custom Field Name.
  3. Select the Status from the pull-down list to indicate whether the custom field's availability.
  4. Select the Save button to save the custom field definition.

Add a Value to a Custom Field

  1. Select the Edit / Define Values link from the Action column for the custom field to which you wish to add value(s).
  2. Select the Add Value link.
  3. Use the text field to enter the Custom Field Value.
  4. Select the Status from the pull-down list to indicate the value's availability.
  5. Select the Save button to add the value.

Manage Values

  1. Select the Edit / Define Values link from the Action column for the custom field to which you wish to add value(s).
  2. To edit the value:
    1. Select the Edit link from the Actions column.  
    2. Use the text field to enter the Custom Field Value.
    3. Select the Status from the pull-down list to indicate the value's availability.
    4. Select the Save button to save the value changes.
  3. To remove a value, select the Delete link from the Actions column.

Add a Sub-Value to a Value

  1. Select the Edit / Define Values link from the Action column for the custom field to which you wish to add value(s).
  2. Select the Edit link from the Actions column for the value to which the sub-value should be added.
  3. Select the Add Sub-Value link.
  4. Use the text field to enter the Custom Field Sub-Value.
  5. Select the Status from the pull-down list to indicate the sub-value's availability.
  6. Select the Save button to add the sub-value.

Manage Sub-Values

  1. Select the Edit / Define Values link from the Action column for the custom field to which you wish to add value(s).
  2. Select the Edit link from the Actions column for the value for which the sub-value was created.
  3. To edit the sub-value:
    1. Select the Edit link from the Actions column for the sub-value to be modified.
    2. Use the text field to enter the Custom Field Sub-Value.
    3. Select the Status from the pull-down list to indicate the sub-value's availability.
    4. Select the Save button to save the changes.
  4. To remove a sub-value, select the Delete link.














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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup


  • A user can set up an unlimited number of disposition codes, which are used to designate the "request closed" status.
  • If the user sets up any disposition codes, the user will be required to identify a disposition code at the time the request is closed.
  • Unassigned dispositions can be deleted; Assigned dispositions can be hidden, not deleted.
  • To track dispositions at the item level, use a custom field.

Add a New Disposition

  1. Select Dispositions tab.
  2. Use the text field to enter the Disposition Name.
  3. Select the Add New Disposition button to add the disposition.

Manage a Disposition

  1. Select Dispositions tab.
  2. To edit the disposition name:
    1. Select the Edit link from the Actions column.
    2. Use the text field to edit the Disposition Name.
    3. Select the Save button to save the changes and return to the Dispositions list, or select the Cancel button to return to the Dispositions list without saving the changes.
  3. To remove a disposition that has been assigned to a service request, select the Hide link from the Actions column.
  4. To remove a disposition that has not been assigned to a service request, select the Delete link from the Actions column.  For dispositions that have been assigned to a service request, the Delete link is replaced with "Used".
  5. To show a hidden disposition, select the Show link from the Actions column.















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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Checklists


  • Create checklists to facilitate repeated requests. they can serve as a reminder to CS Reps what to cover in a walkthrough or orientation and then quickly create requests items based on those checklists. Esentially a checklist is a list of items that can quickly be added to a request.
  • Checklists have one of three statuses.
    • Auto-Apply Checklists:
      • Checklists defined as Auto-apply are populated at the time a buyer is assigned a settlement date within the BuildTopia system. If that settlement date - projected or actual - is adjusted, the list / walkthrough dates will automatically adjust.
      • A request created from an auto-apply checklist is automatically assigned an origin of List / Walkthrough.
      • Days After Settlement can be assigned:
        • as a positive value (e.g. 7 days, 30 days) to occur post-settlement,
        • as a negative value (e.g. -3 days, -7 days) to occur pre-settlement, or
        • as zero (e.g. 0 day) to occur on the settlement date.
      • Editing the List/Walkthrough Name or Days After Settlement will not impact existing data, meaning owners who have already been assigned a settlement date.
    • Active Checklists:
      • Active checklists are available for selection at the time requests are created, but are not automatically created when a settlement date is populated.
    • Inactive Checklists:
      • Inactive checklists are retired or retained for historical use.  Changing a checklist to an inactive status does not delete requests created based on the checklist.  Inactive checklists are available for application to all existing owners through the Apply to Existing Owners link, but are not available for selection at the time new requests are created.
  • Lots remaining in SPEC status do not have settlement dates; as such, checklists - even those with a status of Auto-Apply - will not be applied to SPEC lots automatically.  Checklists can be applied to SPEC lots by creating a new request and applying the checklist to the new request.

Adding / Editing Checklist

  1. To add a new checklist, select the Add Checklist link; to edit an existing checklist, select the Edit link.
  2. Use the text field to enter / edit the Checklist Name.
  3. Select the Status from the pull-down menu.
  4. As appropriate, use the text field to enter the number of days after settlement that this checklist should be applied.  Use negative numbers to indicate that the checklist should apply before settlement.  This field is only displayed for checklists with a status of 'Auto-Apply'.
  5. Select the Save button.

Adding / Editing Checklist Items

Note: Checklist items are listed alpha-numerically, meaning that items will be according to the example below.

  • 1st Level Foyer
  • Front Porch
  • Yard


  1. Select the Edit Items link for the checklist to be managed.
  2. To add a checklist item,
    1. Use the text field to enter the New Checklist Item Name.
    2. Select the Add Checklist Item button.
  3. To edit a checklist item,
    1. Use the text field to modify Checklist Item Name field.
    2. To save the changes, select the Update Checklist Item button; to discard the changes, select the Reset Item Values button.
  4. To remove a checklist item, select the Delete button.

Apply to Existing Owners

BuildTopia allows application of an existing checklist to all existing owners through the selection of the Apply to Existing Owners link.  This action will create a new request and items for the list selected for all existing owners, provided that the list has not previously been applied to the owner.

The user can apply to checklists existing owners, regardless of that checklist's status.  This allows the application of an inactive checklist to all owners.

NOTE: Rep-rotations are ignored for the requests created using the Apply to Existing Owners functionality; as such, all requests created will be unassigned.  

NOTE: Requests created using the Apply to Existing Owners link will not be tied to the settlement date - meaning that if the settlement date changes, the request date will not be automatically updated.


  1. Select the Apply to Existing Owners link.
  2. At the prompt, select the OK button to apply the checklist to all existing owners, or select the Cancel button to stop.


Service Orders













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Navigation Path

Admin > BTService Setup > Settings

Next Service Order Number

Displays the next system generated service order number.  This field cannot be edited.

Allow Trade Partners to Edit Scheduled Date / Time

  1. Select Yes or No from the pull-down list to allow or disallow trade partners to edit the scheduled date / time of the service order appointment.
  2. Select the Save button to save the changes.

Service Order Status Settings

  1. Use the text field to enter the number of days after which the service order should be marked as late.
  2. Use the text field to enter the number of days after which the service order should be marked as delinquent.
  3. Select the Save button to save the changes.

Associated Tasks - See Also

Manage Company Setup

Manage Users

Contact Customer Support: 1-800-411-2020 Option 4 or

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