Owner/Lot Management tasks are determined
by permissions established in BTService Setup.
Add Owner/Lot (BTService Standalone Only)
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- This functionality is only applicable for BTService
Stand-Alone product users.
- Select the Add an Owner
- On the Add Owner Information
screen, complete all required information fields (indicated with an *):
- Use the text field to enter owner First
Name and Last Name,
- Use the text field to enter Settlement Date
or use the Pick Date
link to select the Settlement Date using a calendar view. Manually
entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY. For
more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Project within which the owner has purchased
a lot / home.
- As applicable, complete any of the remaining fields:
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Salutation,
- Use the text field to enter the Middle
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Suffix,
- Use the text fields to enter the Email
address, Home Phone, Work
Phone, Work Phone Extension,
and Mobile Phone.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the owner's
Contact Preference.
- Select the Next button
to save the information and continue to the next screen, or the Cancel button to discard the changes and return
to the Owners screen.
- On the Lot Information
screen, use the Lot pull-down menu
to choose an existing lot.
- If the Lot purchased does not appear in the pull-down
menu, use the text fields to enter the following required information
to create a new lot:
- As applicable, use the text fields to enter the
following optional information for the new lot:
- Building Number,
- Section,
- Block.
- Select the Next button
to continue, Back button to return to the
previous screen or the Cancel button to return
to the Owners screen without saving the changes.
- On the House Type Information
screen, use the House Type pull-down
menu to Choose an Existing House Type.
- If the House Type purchased does not appear in
the pull-down menu, use the text field to enter the House
Type Name.
- Select the Next button
to continue, Back button to return to the
previous screen or the Cancel button to return
to the Owners screen without saving the changes.
- On the Add Options
screen, use the following steps to add an option.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the
Option Code for the
option to be added.
- Use the text field to enter the Quantity.
- Use the text field to enter any applicable
Selection Notes.
- Select the Add
button to add the option to the Owner.
- Repeat steps 12 - 13 until all options have
been added.
- Select the Save
button to save the record and continue to the Owner
screen for the owner added, the Back
button to return to the previous screen or the Cancel
button to return to the Owners screen without
saving the changes.
Edit Owner Contact Information
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- The owners list is sorted by last name, then first
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to manage their information.
- Select the Edit button.
- Select or de-select the Lockout
Owner checkbox to disallow or allow the owner to log-on to the
Homebuyer Homepage.
- Edit required information fields (indicated with
an *):
- Use the text fields to edit owner First
Name and Last Name,
- Use the text field to edit Settlement
Date or use the Pick
Date link to select the Settlement Date using a calendar view.
entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY. For
more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Project within which the owner has purchased
a lot / home.
- As applicable, edit any of the remaining fields:
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Salutation,
- Use the text field to edit the Middle
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Suffix,
- Use the text fields to edit the Email
address, Home Phone, Work
Phone, Work Phone Extension,
and Mobile Phone.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the owner's
Contact Preference.
- Use the text fields to enter data in the Custom Fields created during BTService
- Select the Save button
to save the changes and return to the Owners / Lots
screen, or the Cancel button to return to
the Owners / Lots screen without saving changes.
Manage Co-Owner Information
Back to
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- The system supports unlimited co-owners, however
there are only tags available to support insertion of information related
to nine co-owners into tagged documents.
Add a Co-Owner
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to transfer ownership.
- Select the Add a Co-Owner
link from the Actions section.
- Complete all required information fields (indicated
with an *):
- Use the text fields to enter co-owner First Name and Last
- As applicable, complete any remaining fields:
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Salutation,
- Use the text field to edit the Middle
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Suffix,
- Use the text fields to edit the Email
address, Home Phone, Work
Phone, Work Phone Extension,
and Mobile Phone.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the co-owner's
Contact Preference.
- Select the Save button
to add the co-owner and return to the Owners / Lots
screen, or the Cancel button to discard the
co-owner addition and return to the Owners / Lots
Manage a Co-Owner
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to transfer ownership.
- Select the Co-Owner
Name link from the Owner Information
- To edit the information, select the Edit
- Select or de-select the Lockout
Owner checkbox to disallow or allow the owner to edit the owner
information and log-on to the Homebuyer Homepage.
- When Lockout Owner box is checked, user no
longer has access to Owner / Lot record actions: Owner Print Forms, Create
Request, Email this Owner, Transfer Ownership, HBHP Setup, Add a Co-Owner,
and Manage Documents.
- To regain access to Owner / Lot record actions,
de-select Lockout Owner checkbox.
- Edit required information fields (indicated with
an *):
- Use the text fields to edit owner First
Name and Last Name,
- As applicable, edit any of the remaining fields:
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Salutation,
- Use the text field to edit the Middle
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Suffix,
- Use the text fields to edit the Email
address, Home Phone, Work
Phone, Work Phone Extension,
and Mobile Phone.
- Use the text field to edit Settlement Date
or use the Pick Date
link to select the Settlement Date using a calendar view. Manually
entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY. For
more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the owner's
Contact Preference.
- Select the Save button
to save the changes and return to the Co-Owner Information
screen, or the Cancel button to discard the
changes and return to the Co-Owner Information
- Select the Primary
Owner's name
link to return to the Owners / Lots
Manage Notes
Back to
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots > Owner Information
(within Owners / Lots tab)
CS > Requests > Request Information
(within Requests tab)
CS >
Requests: Items > Item Detail (within Requests tab)
CS >
Trade Partners> Contact Information (within Trade Partners tab)
CS >
Service Orders > View Service Order (within Service Orders tab)
CS >
Trade Partners > Trade Partner Information (within Trade Partners tab)
- The
user can add or edit service notes from any of the screens above.
- Notes
are "screen specific," meaning that notes added for the owner
or lot are only visible and accessible from the Owners / Lots screen,
etc. The
number of added notes is indicated in parenthesis on the appropriate screen.
- Notes
capture ongoing information for tracking and reference.
Steps: Add a Note
From any of
the screens listed above:
- Select
New Note/Add a Note/Add Note
- Use
the text field to enter note information.
- If
available, select Yes or No button to make note visible to Trade
- As
desired, select the Check Spelling button
to run spell-check.
- Select
Save to add the note and return to the previous
screen. Note:
The added note is automatically calculated in the total notes for that
screen/section. As
necessary, select Cancel to return to the
previous screen without adding the note.
Steps: Edit a Note
From any of the screens listed
- Select
the Notes tab.
- Select
the Edit link from the Action
column for the note to be edited.
- Use the
text field to edit the text of the note.
- As desired,
select the Check Spelling button to run spell-check.
- Select the Save button
to save the note and return to the previous
screen, or select the Cancel button to return
to the previous screen without
saving the changes.
Manage Email
Back to
Back to
Send an Email
Navigation Path
To Owners:
> Owners / Lots > Owner Information > Email this Owner
CS > Owners / Lots > Owner
Information > Email History subtab > New email link
CS > Requests >Request
Detail > Email this Owner link
CS > Requests > Items subtab
> Item detail > Email this Owner link
To Trade Partners:
CS > Service Orders > Open/Complete/Approved
subtab > Email link
CS > Trade Partner > Trade Partner
Information > New email link
- Direct Email: The user can email
any entity in Customer Service module and attach a document to the email.
- The
email is tracked in the entity's email history tab, tagged to the entity's
- It
may be generated using any Service email template or be composed directly.
From any of the screens listed
above, select the Email this Owner/New email/Email
- If email
templates were defined during setup, use the pull-down menu to Choose
a template.
- Otherwise,
use the text fields to complete the required
- To email address
- From email address
- Subject
- As appropriate,
use the text fields to complete the remaining fields:
- CC email address
- BCC email address
- Body
- Select
the Check Spelling button to verify the spelling
within the Body text field.
- Select
the Preview button to verify the
overall look of the email before sending.
- Select
the Send button to send the email and return
to the previous screen, or the Cancel button
to return to the previous screen without sending the email.
View Email History
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots > Owner
Information > Email History subtab
CS > Requests > Request Detail > Email History tab
CS > Trade Partners > Trade Partner Information > Emails subtab
From any of the screens above,
select the Email History/Emails subtab.
- The title
of the 'tagged' email template appears in the Template
column; the subject of the email sent appears in the Subject
- Select
the Subject Text
link from the Subject column. The expanded
view opens in a new window.
Manage Warranty Information
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots > Owner Information > Warranty Info tab
- Warranty packages are created in BTService Setup,
and Warranty Items are added with activation dates after settlement.
- A warranty package is selected for the project
in Project Setup module, which attaches to the Buyer at the time an agreement
is accepted.
- Once a settlement date has been submitted, warranty
items and their expiration dates display in the Warranty Info tab in Owners
/ Lots.
- Select edit
link to modify the expiration date of a warranty item.
Manage Associated People
Back to
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- The system supports unlimited associated people,
however there are currently no tags available for inserting associated
people information into tagged documents.
- Individual Types are created in BTService Setup,
are called Associated People Category, and must be created prior to adding
Associated People.
Add a New Associated Person
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to associate a person.
- Select the Associate New Person
link from any of the sub tabs.
- Complete all required information fields (indicated
with an *):
- Use the text fields to enter co-owner First Name and Last
- Use the pull-down menu to select Individual
- As applicable, complete any remaining fields:
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Salutation,
- Use the text field to edit the Middle
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Suffix,
- Use the text fields to edit the Email
address, Home Phone, Work
Phone, Work Phone Extension,
and Mobile Phone.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the co-owner's
Contact Preference.
- Select the Add Individual
button to add the co-owner and return to the Owners
/ Lots screen, or the Cancel button
to discard the associated person addition and return to the Owners
/ Lots screen.
Edit an Associated Person
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to edit an associated person.
- Select the Associated People
- Select the Edit link
from the Actions column for the associated
person to be edited.
- Follow steps 3 - 5 in the Add an Associated
Person section to edit the associated person information.
- To remove an associated person, select the Delete link from the Actions
column for the associated person to be removed.
Owner Print Forms
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- Owner Summary
form displays all requests and items with request and item summary, CSRep,
origin, request date, status, warranty condition and complete date.
- Sales History
form displays a summary of the owner's lot, plan, sales rep, options,
and selection notes, to include NSOs.
- Trade/Lot History
form displays a summary of the owner's lot number and address, and a list
of all trade partners who completed work at the owner's home, to include
basic contact information and phone number.
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to print an owner form.
- Hover over the
Owner Print Forms link, select the print form desired from the
pop-up box.
- Print form launches in a separate window.
Transfer Ownership
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to transfer ownership.
- Select the Transfer Ownership
link from the Actions section.
- Complete all required information fields (indicated
with an *):
- Use the text fields to enter owner First
Name and Last Name,
- Use the text field to enter Transfer Date
or use the Pick Date
link to select the Transfer Date using a calendar view. Manually
entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY. For
more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
- As applicable, complete any remaining fields:
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Salutation,
- Use the text field to edit the Middle
- Use the pull-down menu to select the Suffix,
- Use the text fields to edit the Email
address, Home Phone, Work
Phone, Work Phone Extension,
and Mobile Phone.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the owner's
Contact Preference.
- Select the Yes
or No radio button to indicate whether
you want to Transfer Custom Fields.
- Select the Transfer Ownership
button to complete the transfer, or the Cancel
button to discard the ownership change and return to the Owners screen.
ViewPrevious Owner History
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- Use to info, as appropriate. May
also include cautions!
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to view previous owner's history.
- Select Previous Owners tab.
- Select Previous
Owner's Name link to view the previous owner record
Homebuyer Homepage Setup
Back to
Navigation Path
CS > Owners / Lots
- Select the owner name from the Owner
column for which you wish to manage information.
- Select the HBHP
Setup link
from the Actions section.
- Use the text field to enter / edit the Username.
- Use the text field to enter / edit the Password.
- Use the drop down box at Document Folder to search
for appropriate documents to display on the HBHP.
- Select settings to allow homeowner to upload documents
or view HBHP photo.
- Select Hidden or Visible radio buttons to display
or hide individual documents on the HBHP.
- Select the Save button
to save the changes and return to the Owners / Lots
screen, or the Cancel button to return to
the Owners / Lots screen without saving changes.