
Revised October 24, 2008


Bids refers to the tasks associated with managing bids once the invitations have been created.






Edit Unit of Measure Bid




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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM > Edit or

BC > Bids > UM > View > Edit


  1. Select Edit link or Select View link then select Edit
  2. Use the text box to edit Description
  3. Use the text box to enter the Amount for each activity to be edited
  4. Select No Bid check box for those activities you do not want to include in the bid
  5. Click Save to save your work and continue making edits, Save & Exit to save your work and return to the Bid tab or Cancel to return to the Bid tab without saving.

Edit Turnkey Bid





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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > Turnkey > Edit

BC > Bids > Turnkey > View > Edit

Note: If you have already sent the trade partner the bid and you revise the bid before receiving the cost from the trade partner - you will need to re-send the bid to allow the trade partner to view these changes. The status of the bid within the trade partner application will indicate that the bid is under review by you.


  1. Select Edit link or select View and then the Edit link
  2. Select Plan
  3. Select Base or Option tab
  4. Use the text box to enter the Tax Rate for this trade partner.
  5. Use the checkbox in the first column to indicate that this amount is applicable for All Plans
  6. Use the checkbox in the fourth column to indicate if this activity code is taxable
  7. Use the text box to enter the Amount of bid for each activity to be edited
  8. Click Save to save the changes and remain on this page or Save & Exit. REMEMBER to save before going to the next plan.

Merge Pricing























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Back to Current Price Change

Back to Future Price Change

Navigation Path

BC > Contracts or Bids > TK or UM > Merge

Note: This link is available when an online trade partner has returned pricing.


  1. Select the Merge Pricing link.
  2. Select radio button to indicate how to proceed with the merge:
    • Select the Retain TP Sent Pricing radio button to merge the trade partner's pricing updates without viewing the bid sent.  This is the default selection.
    • Select the Retain Current Pricing radio button to discard the trade partner's pricing updates without viewing the bid sent.
    • Select the Merge Pricing by Plan to view the trade partner's bid and select the pricing on an activity by activity basis for each unit type.
  3. At the prompt, "The Merge Process can only be performed once.  Are you sure that you want to continue?", select the OK button to continue with the merge, or select the Cancel button to return to the Bids screen.

Merge Pricing by Plan

  1. When the screen initially opens, the first plan (alphabetically) is selected.
  2. Select the Sent Pricing radio button or the Current Pricing radio button for each activity code.
    • Select the Select All Sent Pricing button to select the Sent Pricing radio button for all activity codes.
    • Select the Select All Current Pricing button to select the Current Pricing radio button for all activity codes.
  3. Select the Options Tab and repeat step 2 for all activity codes on the Option tabs.
  4. Select the Save and Next Plan button.  The next plan (alphabetically) is automatically selected from the Plan pull-down list.
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 for the remaining plans, until the Save and Next Plan button is disabled.
  6. Select the Save and Finish button.
  7. At the prompt, "Are you sure you wish to complete the merge process? Be sure you have saved both Base and Option Tabs for all plans before continuing.", select the OK button to complete the merge process and return to the Bids tab, or select the Cancel button to return to the merge process.

Compare Bids




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Navigation Path

BC > Bids >  Compare

Note: The side-by-side comparison of up to four bids provides a comparison by plan of the bid amounts for each cost code included in the bid package.  The comparison also includes the budgeted amounts for each trade for each plan, as well as the bid status.


  1. Select Compare link
  2. Select Trade
  3. Select Trade Partners to be compared
  4. Click Next
  5. Hover over the Trade Partners and move up or down to re-order
  6. Click Next

Close  Bid




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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > TK or UM > Close

Note: Closed bids are still available for edit, and for selection when comparing bids and copying pricing.


  1. Select Close link
  2. At the prompt, "Are you sure you wish to close this bid?", select the OK button to continue, or the Cancel button to stop the close.

Update Unit of Measure Bid with Changes


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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > Unit of Measure > Accept Changes link

Note: Once the changes have been accepted, the bid must be resent to the trade partner to allow the trade partner to update their bid.


  1. Select the Accept Changes link.
  2. Select the Unit Types from the pull-down list to refresh the screen with the cost code changes for each plan.  The changes are grouped into three categories: Updated Cost Codes, Added Cost Codes and Removed Cost Codes.
  3. Select the Update Bid button to accept these updates into the bid, or, select the Cancel button to return to the Bids screen.
  4. If the Update Bid button was selected, the following prompt will be displayed: "Are you sure you would like to accept these changes?  Once this is complete, these changes will be reflected on this bid?".  Select OK to continue with the update, or Cancel to remain on the Update Bid screen without accepting the changes.


View Bid




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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > TK or UM > View

Note: After selecting the View hyperlink, the user then has the ability to Edit, Send (online TP), Add Comments, Create Contracts, Close a bid, Copy Pricing, View History and add or view Documents.


  1. Select View link
  2. Select Plan
  3. Select Base, Option or All tab

Associate Projects





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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM >  View > Associate Projects


  • The association is originally made when you create the UM bid invitation.
  • This task is for UM bids only.


  1. Select Associate Projects link
  2. Select the Projects that you want to add or remove for this UM trade by checking or un-checking boxes.
  3. The Subject field is pre-populated. Make any necessary changes.
  4. Enter in a comment in the Comment field.
  5. Select the Save button to continue with the change or the Cancel button to cancel and return to the bid.

Add Comment












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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM >  View > Add Comment



  • This task is for UM bids only.
  • If the trade partner is online the comment is visible to the trade partner without resending the bid.
  • Date and user are automatically captured when creating a comment.
  • To view the comment click the Comments tab within the bid.


  1. Select Add Comment link
  2. Enter the Subject of the comment.
  3. Enter the Comment in the Comment field.
  4. Select the Save button to add the comment or the Cancel button to cancel and return to the bid.

Copy Pricing and Create New Bid

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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM >  View > Copy


Note: This task is for UM bids only.


  1. Select the Copy link.
  2. Select  to add Trade Partners. You can select multiple trade partners from this screen. Click Done.
  3. Enter emails of external users (if applicable). Examples of external users might be off-line trade partners or copies of the request sent to users outside of BuildTopia.
  4. Enter Subject. I.e. 'Request to submit bid for Project Name'
  5. Enter Comments/Descriptions on the bid. I.e. 'Please return bid by COB 01/01/2007. If you have any questions please contact Sally Good at (555)555-5555.'
  6. Select the Projects that the unit of measure bid will be associated.
  7. Click Create, Create & Send, or the Cancel button
    1. Create - will create a bid with the status of 'Bid Revised'. If you don't send the bid now - you will have an opportunity to Send the bid at a later time.
    2. Create & Send will create a bid with the status of 'Bid Sent' for online trade partners or 'Bid Revised' for off-line trade partners.

Clear Update Flags

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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM >  View > Clear Update Flags


Note: This task is for bids that have activities that have been updated outside of Bidding and Contracting.(e.g., scope of work was added to an activity or an activity or option was renamed).



  1. Select Clear Update Flags link
  2. At the prompt, "Are you sure you wish to clear the update flags for activities on this contract?", select the OK button to continue with the clear, or select the Cancel button to return to the Bids screen.

History of Unit of Measure Bid



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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM > View > History



  • Displays all revisions of the bid throughout the life of the bid on the appropriate tab(s): Base, Option, All.
  • UM history is captured at three points in the process: (1) when the bid is sent to an online trade partner, (2) when a bid is returned from an online trade partner, or(3) when a bid is turned into a contract.



  1. Select View link
  2. Select History link
  3. Select Base, Option or All tab

History of Turnkey Bids








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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > TK >  History

BC > Bids > TK > View > History



  • Displays all revisions of the bid throughout the life of the bid on the appropriate tab(s): Base, Option, All.
  • TK history is captured at two points in the process: (1) when the bid is sent to an online trade partner, (2) when the bid is returned from an online trade partner.


  1. Select History link
  2. Select Base, Option or All tab

Delete Turnkey Bid








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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > Turnkey > View


Note: To delete a bid you first have to close the bid. See Close Turnkey Bid.



  1. Filter for Inactive Bids type.
  2. Select the View link
  3. Select Delete link
  4. At the prompt, "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this bid?", select the OK button to continue, or the Cancel button to stop the close.

Delete UM Bid

You are currently unable to delete a UM bid. Please contact our Customer Support Center to initiate a data request to have the UM bid deleted.

Reopen Unit of Measure Bid


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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > UM


  1. Filter for Inactive bids if the trade partner is not showing.
  2. Select Reopen link. The bid is moved back to Active Tab

Reopen Turnkey Bid



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Navigation Path

BC > Bids > Turnkey


  1. Filter for Inactive bids if the trade partner is not showing.
  2. Select View link
  3. Select Edit link. Bid is moved back to Active Tab