You are here: BTService > Request and Item Management
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Request and Item Management

Revised October 24, 2008


Request and Item Management tasks are determined by permissions established in BTService Setup.

Tasks include:






Create Request
















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Navigation Path

CS > Owners / Lots > Owner Information


  • Requests may be added manually within the BuildTopia application or may be added automatically if the user has set permissions for homeowners to submit requests via the Homebuyer Homepage [see below].

Create a Request Manually


  1. Select the Create Request link.
  2. Complete the following required fields:
    • Use the Summary text field to enter an umbrella description of the overall request, not the items within the request.  Examples include "fax received on 7/21/2004" or "phone call received on 8/1/2004."
    • Use the text field to enter the Date the request was received or use the Pick Date link to select the Date using a calendar view.  Manually entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY.  For more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.  Note: This is a critical step in defining the age of the request.
    • Use the pull-down menu(s) to complete any builder-defined custom fields that were created as required fields.
  3. As appropriate, complete the following optional fields:
    • Use the pull-down menu to select Yes or No to indicate if the request is placed On Hold.  Leave the default as "No" or select the pull-down menu to select "Yes" and place the request on hold.  A request on hold will not age.  Note: Placing requests on hold is permission-based.  See Manage Permission Roles for more details.
    • Use the Reactivation Date text field to enter the date the request should be removed from On Hold or use the Pick Date link to select the Reactivation Date using a calendar view.  Manually entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY.  For more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
    • Use the pull-down menu to select a request Origin.
    • Use the pull-down menu to assign a CS Rep.
    • Select or de-select the Internal checkbox to indicate that the request is / is not internal and should not / should be displayed on the homeowner's Homebuyer Homepage.
    • As desired, use the pull-down menu(s) to complete any builder-defined custom fields that were created as optional fields.
    • As desired, use the pull-down menu to apply a checklist to the new request, allowing the selection of checklist items for creation as service items within the request.
  4. Select the Check Spelling button to verify spelling within the Summary text field.
  5. As appropriate, select the Save and Add Item button to add the request and proceed to the New Item Detail screen.  Follow the steps in the Add Items section to add the request items.
  6. Select the Save button to add the request and proceed to the Requests screen, or select the Cancel button to proceed to the Owners / Lots screen for the selected owner/lot without saving the new request.

Create a Request from Homebuyer Homepage

Navigation path

HBHP > Service > Submit a New Request button > Text box item summary


  1. Homebuyer selects the Service tab.
  2. Homebuyer selects Submit a New Request button.
  3. Homebuyer enters text in Add Items to Your Request summary.
  4. Homebuyer selects Add to List button or Save and Finish button, or Cancel button to return to Service tab.
  5. Request is automatically added to Requests tab as an open request, CSRep Unassigned.

Edit Request


















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Navigation Path

CS > Owners / Lots > Owner Information > Request#

CS > Requests > Request#


  • Requests can be edited and/or assignments can be changed at any time prior to closing the request.
  • Requests can be assigned by a user either:
    • immediately after entering a new request (see #4 in Create Request above) or
    • at any time by following the steps below or
    • by selecting the Request # link from the Unassigned Requests section on the CS Home tab.
  • Once assigned, the request CSRep changes from Unassigned to a CSRep name.

Edit (or Assign) a Request


From the Request Information screen:

  1. Select the Edit button.
  2. Review and edit any of the fields described above in Create Request.
  3. If assigning or re-assigning request, use the pull-down menu to select a CS Rep to assign to the request.
  4. Select the Check Spelling button to verify spelling within the Summary text field.
  5. Select Save to update the request and return to the Requests screen.  As necessary, select Cancel to return to the Requests screen without saving the edits.

Add Item

















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Navigation Path

CS > Owners / Lots >Owner Information >  Requests tab

CS > Requests > Request#


  • The user can add items to a request at any time prior to closing the request, including before or after the request is assigned to a CSRep.
  • Items can also be added to a request by adding a Checklist Item as a service item [see below].


  1. Select Add Item/Add Items link.
  2. Complete the Customer Summary text field to capture how the customer describes the service item, and any other mandatory fields.
  3. As desired, complete the following optional fields:
    • Use the Date text field to enter the date the item was requested or use the Pick Date link to select the Date using a calendar view.  Manually entered dates must be entered in the correct format, e.g. MM/DD/YY.  For more information, view the Date Text Fields and Links page.
    • Use the Internal Details text field to capture any additional description, as defined or clarified by the user.  Note: This internal description field will not be visible by the owner on the homebuyer homepage.
    • Select the checkbox if the item is Covered Under Warranty?
    • Select the checkbox to flag item and request as urgent.  Note: Both the item and request will be marked with a red flag to indicate urgency.
    • Use the pull-down menu to select the appropriate code/subcode for any builder-defined fields.
  4. Select Save to capture the item information and continue to the Requests: Items screen.  As appropriate, select Save and Add Another to save the item information and continue to add another item.  As necessary, select Cancel to return to the Request Information screen without adding the item.

Add Checklist Items as New Service Items


  • A checklist must be added to a request when creating the request to allow service items to be created from it.



1.     Select the Checklist Name link from the Checklist field to view the checklist items.

2.     For checklist items that do not need additional service (and thus, do not need service item creation), select the Complete radio button.

3.     Use the text field to enter Comments associated with checklist items selected for Pending or Create Item action.  Comments associated with checklist items converted to service items will be appended to the Customer Summary field for the service item.  Comments entered for items with a Complete action will be discarded.

4.     For checklists items to be reviewed or processed at a later time, leave the Action radio button set to Pending.

5.     For checklist items to be created as new service items, select the Create Item radio button.

6.     Select the Update Checklist Items button once all checklist items have been reviewed.

7.     To create a service item for all checklist items, select the Create Items for Pending button.

8.     To return to the request, select the Back to Request button.

Edit Item






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Navigation Path

CS > Owners / Lots >Owner Information >  Requests tab > Request#

CS > Requests > Request#


  1. Select Items tab
  2. Select Item# link
  3. Select Edit button
  4. Follow steps 2 - 4 above in Add Item to edit and save changes.

Close Item[s]













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Navigation Path

CS > Owners / Lots >Owner Information >  Requests tab > Request#

CS > Requests > Request# > Items tab

CS > Requests > Request# > Item#


  • Close service requests and items upon completion of work or when it is decided the work will not (or cannot) be completed for some reason.
  • All items within a service request must be closed before the request itself can be closed.
  • Items with assigned service orders cannot be closed until all service orders attached to the item have been completed by Trade Partner and are approved by user.


  1. From the Request Detail > Items tab or from Item Detail screen, select Close/Close this Item/Close All Items link.  
    • Attempts to close items prior to all required fields being completed, or prior to open service orders being completed and approved will result in red text prompts indicating the missing or incomplete information necessary to close the item.
    • Once all fields are complete and assigned service orders are approved, the item will successfully update and close upon that completion or approval.

Close Request



















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Navigation Path

CS > Owners / Lots >Owner Information >  Requests tab > Request#

CS > Requests > Request#


  • Close service requests and items upon completion of work or when it is decided the work will not (cannot) be completed for some reason.
  • All items within a service request must be closed before the request itself can be closed.
  • Once closed, the service request or service item changes from an "open" to "closed" status.


  1. From the Request Detail screen, select Close this Request link.
  2. The user must first close all associated service items.  An attempt to close the request prior to closing the associated items will result in the following warning: You must close all items before you can close this request.
  3. Once the items are closed and the user selects to close the selected request, the user is prompted to enter additional information about the request.
    • Use the pull-down menu to Choose a Disposition Code.  Note: If the user specifies disposition codes during the setup of BTService, then the application requires selection of a disposition code when the request is closed.
    • Use the text field to enter Internal Comments.
    • Enter the Close Date.  Note: The current date will be captured as the Close Date if no other is specified.
    • Select drop-down from Send Email Notification? to generate 'tagged' email template from document module, or to create an email 'from scratch'.
    • Select Close to capture information and close the service request, returning to the Requests screen.  Note: The closed request moves to the Closed tab and is marked with a green checkmark.  As necessary, select Cancel to exit the screen without closing the service request.
  4. To reopen a closed request, select Reopen this Request in the Actions section.

Create New Service Order



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Navigation Path

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request# > Create New Service Order link

CS > Requests > Request# > Create New Service Order link


Create New Service Order link takes you directly to Service Orders tab. See Service Order Management for details.


Print Request and Item Summaries
















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Navigation Path

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request# > Print a Request Summary

CS > Requests > Request# > Print a Request Summary

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request# > Item# > Print an Item Summary

CS > Requests > Request# >  Item# > Print an Item Summary


For a summary print form including all Owner requests, see Owner Summary Form in Owner Print Forms.

Request print forms:

  • Request Checklist form lists all items on the checklist with Complete / Create Item and Comments areas for CSRep or service technician to work from. This information can later be entered in Edit Item function.
  • Service Request form summarizes the individual request record with a list of items, closed or open status, warranty yes or no, and completed date.
  • Service Request with Sign Off form adds an Owner and Builder sign-off block to Service Request form.

Item print form:

  • Sign Off form summarizes an individual item record with an Owner and Builder sign-off block.


  1. Select the request or item number from the appropriate navigation path above.
  2. Hover over the Print Icon link, select the print form desired from the pop-up box.
  3. Print form launches in a separate window.

Delete Request and Items














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Navigation Path

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request# > Delete this Request link

CS > Requests > Request# > Delete this Request link

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request# > Item# > Delete this Item link

CS > Requests > Request# > Item# > Delete this Item link


  • Deleting a service request automatically deletes all service items associated with that request.
  • Deleting a service item automatically deletes all Trade Partner tasks associated with that item.
  • If service orders exist for a request, neither item nor request can be deleted.


  1. Select Request or Item number from navigation path above.
  2. Select Delete this Request/Delete this Item link.
  3. When deleting a request, the screen displays a system-generated message: Deleting this request will delete all associated items except service order. Select OK to confirm.
  4. When deleting an item, the screen displays a system-generated message: Are you sure you want to delete this item?
  5. Select OK to delete the selected request/item.  As appropriate, select Cancel to exit without deleting the selected request/item.

Reopen Requests and Items





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Navigation Path

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request#

CS > Requests > Closed tab > Request#

CS > Owners Lots > Owner Information > Requests tab > Request# > Item tab > Item#

CS > Requests > Closed tab > Request# > Item tab > Item#


  • Closed items may not be reopened until request is reopened.
  • Service orders may not be assigned to a closed item until item is reopened.


  1. From navigation path above, select Reopen this Request / Reopen this Item link.



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